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Come funzionano

Per iscriverti a un corso di laurea, laurea magistrale, laurea magistrale a ciclo unico devi versare una contribuzione studentesca (tasse universitarie) che è costituita da imposta di bollo, tassa regionale e contributo universitario e si versa in tre rate. Scopri come funzionano le tasse

Come si pagano

  • Per il primo anno puoi versare le tasse al termine della pre-immatricolazione online dopo aver confermato la domanda, utilizzando il servizio online UniGePay 2.0
  • Per gli anni successivi al primo puoi versarle direttamente tramite UniGePay 2.0

N.B. Per l'accesso devi avere le credenziali UniGePASS

Per saperne di più visita la pagina come si pagano le tasse


Tuition fees – scholarships – mobility abroad

The UniGe annual tuition fees and taxes range from 136€ to 3.000€, depending on the family income. Tuition waivers are offered to students who achieved significant academic merits. The average tuition fees paid by international students enrolled at UniGe is about 350€ per year. In addition, the probability than an international student obtains accommodation for free from the regional agency ALISEO is very high (after applying and submitting all the requested documents). For further information regarding scholarship please refer to our International Student Office - SASS.

The UniGe annual tuition fees and taxes range from 136€ to 3.000€, depending on the family income. Tuition waivers are offered to students who achieved significant academic merits. The average tuition fees paid by international students enrolled at UniGe is about 350€ per year. In addition, the probability than an international student obtains accommodation for free from the regional agency ALISEO is very high (after applying and submitting all the requested documents). For further information regarding scholarship please refer to our International Student Office - SASS.

You can participate at the “Invest Your Talent in Italy” Program and you can have the opportunity to be awarded a scholarship (€ 900,00 per 9 month) with tuition fees exemption. Eligibility requirements to apply are: to be Citizen of one of the 15 Countries listed in the Call; to have been born ON or AFTER January 1st, 1994 , except for the only renewal scholarships; to hold a Bachelor’s Degree to enroll in the chosen Master’s degree Program; to have at least a B2-level of English.

For more information about IYT Program visit

You can participate at the “Invest Your Talent in Italy” Program and you can have the opportunity to be awarded a scholarship (€ 900,00 per 9 month) with tuition fees exemption. Eligibility requirements to apply are: to be Citizen of one of the 15 Countries listed in the Call; to have been born ON or AFTER January 1st, 1994 , except for the only renewal scholarships; to hold a Bachelor’s Degree to enroll in the chosen Master’s degree Program; to have at least a B2-level of English.

For more information about IYT Program visit

Yes. Every year there is an Erasmus+ call for study and traineeship in EU-Countries, with Erasmus+ scholarship.

Learn more about study mobility and traineeship mobility.

For the academic year 2020/21 the application deadline has been 5th March. For further information:

Yes. Every year there is an Erasmus+ call for study and traineeship in EU-Countries, with Erasmus+ scholarship.

Learn more about study mobility and traineeship mobility.

For the academic year 2020/21 the application deadline has been 5th March. For further information:

Yes, subject to all the constraints of the program. The workflow is as follows:

  1. Discuss with potential University of Genova supervisors about their offers of thesis topics that may be jointly held with universities or research centers outside Europe
  2. Express your willingness to select that topic, and to take advantage of the scholarship program
  3. The program board approves all the thesis selections
  4. If you get selected for the scholarship, you can carry out part of the work abroad.

Yes, subject to all the constraints of the program. The workflow is as follows:

  1. Discuss with potential University of Genova supervisors about their offers of thesis topics that may be jointly held with universities or research centers outside Europe
  2. Express your willingness to select that topic, and to take advantage of the scholarship program
  3. The program board approves all the thesis selections
  4. If you get selected for the scholarship, you can carry out part of the work abroad.

Yes, subject to all the constraints of the program. The workflow is as follows:

  1. Discuss with your thesis supervisor in order to agree on a project together with your training tutor of the host Institution/Company.
  2. Get in contact with UniGe Traineeship Office ( which will give you and to the Host Institution all information about how to start a traineeship project and about the required documentation to submit.
  3. Once the documents are duly filled in, approved and signed by you, your UniGe thesis supervisor and the company, you can start your traineeship
  4. You have to take care of the application for Visa or Residence permit in the Host Country.

Yes, subject to all the constraints of the program. The workflow is as follows:

  1. Discuss with your thesis supervisor in order to agree on a project together with your training tutor of the host Institution/Company.
  2. Get in contact with UniGe Traineeship Office ( which will give you and to the Host Institution all information about how to start a traineeship project and about the required documentation to submit.
  3. Once the documents are duly filled in, approved and signed by you, your UniGe thesis supervisor and the company, you can start your traineeship
  4. You have to take care of the application for Visa or Residence permit in the Host Country.