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Tesi di laurea

What it is

For admission to the master's degree exam you must have obtained all the credits required by the teaching regulation of your degree course.

The final exam consists of a discussion about the Master's thesis, prepared by you in an original manner, under the guidance of one or more professors, ascertaining your technical, scientific and professional preparation.

In particular, the thesis may consist of:

  • the execution of a monographic design study in one or more fields of competence
  • the study of a theoretical, experimental or applied research topic related to the nautical engineering fields

The modalities of the final examination consist of the oral presentation of the thesis to the Commission, followed by a discussion of questions posed by members of the Commission.

In any case, at least one teacher of the degree program must be present among the committee members.

Cosa fare per laurearsi 

Se sei un laureando devi:

  1. Scegliere la sessione di laurea
  2. Depositare il titolo della tesi
  3. Compilare la domanda di laurea online
  4. Compilare il questionario AlmaLaurea online
  5. In caso tu abbia libri in prestito, restituiscili in biblioteca
  6. Compilare il questionario di valutazione del tuo corso di studi

Ricordati di:

  1. Controllare di essere in regola con il pagamento delle tasse
  2. Pagare l'imposta di bollo di € 16 per l'emissione del Diploma di laurea (paga qui)
  3. Verificare di avere sostenuto tutti gli esami e le attività formative
  4. Controllare che siano tutti segnati sulla tua carriera online.

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation of the final examination by the committee will take place by assigning an increment, varying from 0 to a maximum established by the Polytechnic School together with the Departments and shown in the University prospectus, to the weighted average of the marks given in the verification tests related to the educational activities that provide for a final grade, taking as a weight the number of credits associated with the individual activity.

The final test is passed if the candidate has obtained a grade of not less than 66/100 points.

Ritiro pergamene

Il ritiro delle pergamene di Laurea, Laurea magistrale, di Dottorato e di Specializzazione per tutte le scuole avviene su appuntamento presso gli spazi "UniGe World" in Via Balbi 40-42 r - piano terra (di fronte a via Balbi 5).

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