Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L-9 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Access Free access Locations GENOVA Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme MARCO PANIZZA Department DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA CIVILE, CHIMICA E AMBIENTALE Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Previous years Info
evento Meetings with the Civil Protection on the risks of extreme weather events 30/01/2025 - 27/02/2025
The course in brief Presentation The course provides the technical basis of the Chemical and Process Engineer through a theoretical and applicative preparation at the same time. It focuses on the study at macroscopic level of the transformation processes leading from raw materials to the finished product, based on elementary chemical-physical phenomena and a limited number of unit operations. After the course you are able to deal with the technological and management problems required by industry in the chemical process, energy and materials sectors in compliance with safety and environmental protection regulations. Learning by doing The course includes classroom lectures, numerical exercises, computer labs, experimental chemical engineering labs, visits to plants and research centres, Erasmus experiences abroad, seminars, experimental and/or computational theses, and internships in industry. Professional outlets The broad basic training enables employment in: chemical, conventional and innovative energy production, food and pharmaceutical industries companies for the production, processing, transport and storage of substances and materials industrial laboratories public administration What you will learn le trasformazioni chimico fisiche della materia costruzioni civili, idrauliche e marittime, infrastrutture le operazioni unitarie e i reattori chimici le unità che compongono tutti i processi i bilanci a livello macroscopico trasporto di materia, energia e quantità di moto il comportamento dei materiali le proprietà e le applicazioni di metalli, polimeri e materiali ceramici la progettazione dei sistemi e delle apparecchiature i vincoli tecnici, economici, di sicurezza e ambientali l'inglese per l'ingegneria chimica la terminologia tecnica Did you know that... L'ingegnere chimico è uno dei tre profili più ricercati nel mondo del lavoro Il 63% degli studenti si laurea in corso Il corso ha l'accreditamento di alta qualità internazionale EUR-ACE Il numero non elevato di iscritti favorisce una formazione personalizzata L'esperienza all'estero è favorita dall'ampia offerta di scambi Erasmus C'è un programma di supporto agli studenti del primo anno Contents The simplicity of the complex The course responds to industry's demand for young engineers to tackle chemical, environmental and process technology issues in complex industrial contexts that require a broad overview without specific specialisations. Course structure Comprehensive analysis of transformation processes based on elementary phenomena and fundamental operations is needed to safely produce material goods, energy, services and actions to prevent and control environmental impacts. This end is pursued through the study of the methodological and operational aspects of the disciplines: basics: mathematical analysis, geometry, physics, chemistry and computer science typical of industrial engineering: drawing, machinery, electrical engineering, materials science and technology, construction science and technical physics strongly characterising chemical and process engineering: thermodynamics, heat and matter exchange, industrial and technological chemistry, fluid dynamics, process development, chemical plant engineering Coordinator Image Welcome to Chemical and Process Engineering. The chemical engineer contributes to the solution of the major problems of our time: he/she is concerned with the protection of people and the environment, is involved in the valorisation of resources, and in the development of innovative and sustainable products and processes. That is why it is worth investing your future in this degree! If you are interested in these topics come and meet us personally, we are waiting for you. Marco Panizza Where we are Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - Dicca Via Opera Pia 15 and 15A 16145 Genova Educational Secretariat - Dicca Villa Cambiaso Via Montallegro, 1 16145 Genova Read more Engineering Student Desk Via Montallegro 1/3 16145 Genoa +39 010 335 Reference person for teaching Simona