The degree in Chemical and Process Engineering is among those that offer the best employment prospects. By studying chemical engineering you combine a basic chemical culture with an engineering approach, and thus have the satisfaction of moving from the laboratory to the industrial plant, developing products industrially and designing equipment for production.. The broad engineering education and the study of a limited amount of equipment allow the chemical engineer to be employed not only in the chemical industry, but also in the energy, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, environmental and safety sectors. At Genoa, the number of students is limited, which makes it possible to offer a personalised training: the course is attentive to the insertion of freshmen into the university world and supports the path of first-year students. The balance of lectures and practical workshops ensures that each student acquires the theoretical foundations along with applied experience for each teaching. What you will study In the first year first year together with engineering subjects, you will be provided with the mathematical, physical, chemical and computer knowledge necessary for further studies. In the second year you will consolidate your mathematical and chemico-physical background and you will study subjects in both industrial engineering and chemical engineering and study industrial chemical processes. In the third year you will encounter other industrial engineering subjects and study chemical plant engineering and reactor technology. There will also be two elective subjects that will allow you to customise your training. The internship and the preparation of your thesis will allow you to apply what you have learnt, working in a company or laboratory, where you will develop other operational skills essential to complete your training. Remember that you can carry out part of your studies abroad thanks to the University's scholarships, such as the Erasmus+ programme, and to agreements entered into by the degree course with other European institutions. After graduation The majority of three-year graduates in Chemical and Process Engineering continue their studies in the Master's degree of the same name, meeting the current demands of the manufacturing world. Chemical Plant Operation and Control Technician Who is he? Junior Chemical and Process Engineer What does he do? Applies procedures, regulations and technologies to control and manage the operation and safety of chemical processes and plants. Where does it work? The technician for the operation and control of chemical plants works in chemical companies and industries. Goods and Services Production Technician Who is he? Junior chemical and process engineer What does he do? Applies procedures, regulations and technologies to manage, organise, control and ensure the efficiency, proper functioning and safety of processes for the production of goods and services. Where does it work? The production technician works in chemical, pharmaceutical, food and energy conversion industries. Environmental Technician Who is he? Junior Chemical and Process Engineer What does he do? Assists specialists in research and in the design, development and evaluation of systems for the control, protection and preservation of the environment, applies procedures, regulations and technologies to control and ensure the efficiency of waste collection, sorting, treatment and disposal processes. Where does he/she work? The environmental technician works in public bodies for the control of safety and environmental compliance, quality, environmental and safety management certification bodies and industrial and production facilities.