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Years after the first

Registration for years after the first is done by making payments using the online payment methods

Tax amounts and deadlines

In particular:

  • if you have applied for the scholarship ALISEO for the relevant academic year, you pay only the stamp duty € 16,00, without paying the first instalment
  • if you have not applied for the ALISEO scholarship, you pay the first instalment of €16,00 and the regional tax

Consult the deadlines for the current year.

Payments made late

A late payment of 20 euros up to 30 days late and 52 euros over 30 days late will be charged.

Payment of tuition fees

  • First instalment € 136: by 03.10.2024, of which € 16 stamp duty + € 120 regional tax (minimum amount)
  • Second instalment: by 13.12.2024. It is calculated on the basis of the table published on the page How taxes work. With the second instalment, any debit balance of the regional tax is also paid. From A.Y. 2024/2025 it is possible to pay 50% of the amount by 13.11.2024
  • Third instalment: by 20.06.2025. This is the adjustment instalment, calculated on the basis of the table published on the page How taxes work, with a possibility of paying 50% of the amount by 20.05.2025

Renunciation of studies

Visit the page dedicated to the school dropout

Resume studies

If you interrupted your studies due to non-enrolment, you can ask to resume them