Students should choose Computer Engineering to achieve the best integration between Computer Science topics and the Engineering background. From Computer Security, Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction, Software Platforms, Production, and Logistics up to the control of cyber-physical systems even in a cooperative fashion, the topics are well organized in 4 different curricula to let the student choose what feels closest to her/his professional objectives. What you will study The course is divided into four curricula. Four topics are common to all curricula: Software Engineering Computer Security Operations Research Industrial Automation Software and Computing Platforms Theory and tools for platform integration and for software and network security. Transactional Systems & Data Warehouse Real-time operating Systems Machine Learning and Data Analysis Software Platforms Data Protection & Privacy Distributed Systems Virtualization and Cloud Computing Theory and tools for platform integration and for software and network security. Transactional Systems & Data Warehouse Real-time operating Systems Machine Learning and Data Analysis Software Platforms Data Protection & Privacy Distributed Systems Virtualization and Cloud Computing Artificial Intelligence and Human-Centered Computing Advanced IT solutions using Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction methodologies. Human Computer Interaction Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Data Analysis Multimodal Systems Semantic Web and Linked Data Advanced Data Management Data Visualization / Computer Vision Advanced IT solutions using Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction methodologies. Human Computer Interaction Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Data Analysis Multimodal Systems Semantic Web and Linked Data Advanced Data Management Data Visualization / Computer Vision Industrial Informatics Advanced IT solutions for the control over various time horizons of logistics systems and production systems. Transactional Systems & Data Warehouse Software Platforms Production Systems Optimization and Control of logistics Systems Methods and Models for Decision Support Machine Learning and Data Analysis Technologies for Industrial Automation Advanced IT solutions for the control over various time horizons of logistics systems and production systems. Transactional Systems & Data Warehouse Software Platforms Production Systems Optimization and Control of logistics Systems Methods and Models for Decision Support Machine Learning and Data Analysis Technologies for Industrial Automation Cyber-physical systems Control of distributed and cyber-physical systems. Real-time operating Systems System Identification Control of cyber-physical Systems Smart Systems Control and Applications Cooperative Robotics Technologies for Industrial Automation Embedded Systems Control of distributed and cyber-physical systems. Real-time operating Systems System Identification Control of cyber-physical Systems Smart Systems Control and Applications Cooperative Robotics Technologies for Industrial Automation Embedded Systems Career perspectives Computer engineering has now reached full maturity and has deeply penetrated the European and world social structure. Even the most traditional areas of engineering, such as civil and industrial, can no longer likely carry out any project without the support of tools and methodologies for the treatment of information and data, specific to computer engineering. This makes the figure of the computer engineer essential in building the world of tomorrow. This is the reason why the demand for IT engineers is destined to remain high, while the number of graduates remains completely insufficient to date. The computer engineer is an all-round engineer, he has the bases to fully understand the processes on which he operates: machines, plants, organizational systems, production systems, electronics, etc.