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Info 2024/2025

Duration 3 years
CFU 180
Class L-16
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme ARIANNA PITINO
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy
Information about this Course for previous years is available here SCIENZE POLITICHE E DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE 8776

The course in brief


The Bachelor of Science in Administration and Politics provides methodological, cultural and professional knowledge with an interdisciplinary character on contemporary societies, with specific focus on the problems of administration and social organisations.

The aim is the acquisition of management, organisational, planning, reporting and communication skills in the public and private spheres, in particular in the administration and management of complex organisations (parties, trade unions, NGOs, etc.).

Learning by doing

Lectures involve both face-to-face teaching and various forms of innovative and participatory teaching. The TEAMS and AulaWeb platforms are used for teaching online. The following are also provided:

  • student mobility within the framework of international programmes
  • traineeships
  • credit seminars
  • supplementary courses taught by visiting scholars

Professional outlets

Operators in public administration, local development and European projects; employees in press offices, OPR, communication and strategic planning agencies, employees in human resources planning and organisation; researchers in social and public opinion research institutes; corporate trainers; experts in labour relations; workers in parties, trade unions, NGOs.

The graduate may also continue his or her studies by enrolling in a continuing degree programme, such as Public Administration and Policy.

What you will learn

L'economia politica

I concetti base del funzionamento del sistema economico

Il diritto pubblico e costituzionale

Le regole delle istituzioni statali, in Italia e in altri Paesi

Le materie statistiche e metodologiche

Modelli quantitativi e qualitativi per la rilevazione dei fenomeni sociali

La sociologia

La società nelle sue diverse dimensioni e le sue trasformazioni

La storia del pensiero politico ed economico

Il pensiero dei principali autori sulla politica e sull'economia

Le lingue straniere

Lingua e attualità, a scelta tra inglese, spagnolo, francese e tedesco

La storia moderna e contemporanea

Approfondire la storia per capire l'oggi con adeguati strumenti critici

La politica economica e finanziaria

Strumenti e fini dell'intervento dei poteri pubblici nella vita economica

La scienza della politica e dell'amministrazione

Come funzionano la vita politica e quella delle organizzazioni complesse

Il diritto internazionale e dell'Unione Europea

Le regole europee e internazionali che disciplinano la nostra vita

Il diritto amministrativo nei suoi diversi aspetti

Regole e azione della Pubblica Amministrazione e dei suoi rapporti coi cittadini

? e non è tutto ?

E ancora geografia, demografia, diritto privato e del lavoro e tanto altro?

Did you know that.

Il corso è organizzato in due curricula: Scienze della Politica e Scienze dell'Amministrazione

Nel polo didattico dell'Albergo dei Poveri trovi tutto: aule, uffici dei docenti e una magnifica biblioteca

Il corso è gestito dal Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e internazionali, che fa parte della Scuola di Scienze Sociali


The course is divided into two curricula:
  • "Political Science", a more cultural-theoretical course, aimed at the knowledge, intervention and management of social and political processes related to the problems of society and its government
  • "Administration Sciences", a more applicative-professional pathway, aimed at the knowledge, intervention and management of administrative-managerial processes within complex organisations

The training activities provide a common part to the two curricula, with the basic disciplines necessary in both paths, concentrated mainly in the first two years. From the second year and above all with the third, the pathways differentiate between the two curricula, with the more specific disciplines of the respective fields.

Both curricula allow both direct access to the world of work and a continuation of studies in the Master's degree.

The traditional teaching activities are complemented by further forms of learning, which allow the student to develop a fruitful interaction with the outside world.

For example:

  • conferences, seminars and meetings with teachers and experts, including external ones, on topical issues
  • cultural exchanges of lecturers and students within the framework of international and European programmes, such as LLP Erasmus, CINDA and others
  • traineeships in public administrations and companies, also abroad


Dear* student*,
welcome to the challenge of our studies.
An incompetent doctor makes patients die. An incompetent architect causes houses to collapse. But incapable administrators and politicians can bring down a country: the victims are indirect and less visible, but far more numerous. That is why we will work hard: we need well-prepared and competent administrators and politicians who, each in their own field, do what they have to do, not only for themselves but for everyone.

We will do our best to help. We will do our best to help you understand society, administration and politics. It is up to you to make them work tomorrow.
Good luck

Arianna Pitino

Where we are

Department of Political and International Sciences - DISPI
Brignole educational centre ex Albergo dei Poveri
Piazzale Emanuele Brignole 3a gate - west tower
+39 010 209 51131
16125 Genova


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Social Sciences Students' Single Desk
Via Francesco Vivaldi 5 - Genoa
tel. 010 20951890

Office of Internships
Mrs. Elena Scariti
tel. 010 20955527

Uffice for International Mobility/ Erasmus (AIFE)
Doctor Claudia Soresini
Piazzale Emanuele Brignole 3a, third floor central tower
tel. 010 20951883

Students with disabilities and students with DSA
prof. Aristide Canepa
tel. 010 20951122


DISPI_Departmental Student Referees
Orientation, School-to-work, Placement
Prof. Daniela Tarantino (Guidance and School-Work Alternation) -
prof. Francesco Pierini (Placement) -

UNIGE_Placement and job orientation University Service
Piazza della Nunziata, 6 (3rd floor) - 16124 Genova -

Placement and work guidance services sector
tel. 010 209 9675 -

Internships Department
tel. 010 209 51846 -