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Other activities

What are

To acquire additional knowledge, the Course provides for your participation in some activities to be carried out outside the teaching activity, with a recognition of CFUs proportional to the commitment required by the activity itself.

Normally 1 CFU is worth 25 hours of certified activity, when not expressly specified by certificates and attendance certifications.

Recognized activities

Recognized activities can be:

  • masters
  • further education courses
  • workshops
  • organized educational trips
  • meetings, seminars and conferences
  • extracurricular courses with face-to-face teaching (without examination)
  • certifications of language skills
  • certifications of computer skills
  • certifications of other skills

To learn more, please read carefully the Regulations for Awarding Training Credits "Other Educational Activities and "Formative Internship".

Proposals Other activities

Reference person: Prof. P. D. Patrone, DAD

Period and modalities: Wednesday 14:00 - 18:00, Room 0B

Credits awarded: 3 CFU

Mode of credit registration: once the activity has been completed, follow the procedure on Student Square

To find out more and learn about the subject of the activity, please read the course programme

Reference person: Prof. P. D. Patrone, DAD

Period and modalities: Wednesday 14:00 - 18:00, Room 0B

Credits awarded: 3 CFU

Mode of credit registration: once the activity has been completed, follow the procedure on Student Square

To find out more and learn about the subject of the activity, please read the course programme

Code 98152

Reference: DICCA Department, UniGe

Period and Mode of Delivery:Available online on Aulaweb and available asynchronously in the second semester of each academic year.

Credits awarded: 1 CFU

Mode of credit registration: you must ask the counter to make a change of study plan and move the credit from supplement to other activities

To find out more and learn about the subject of the activity read carefully the course programme

Code 98152

Reference: DICCA Department, UniGe

Period and Mode of Delivery:Available online on Aulaweb and available asynchronously in the second semester of each academic year.

Credits awarded: 1 CFU

Mode of credit registration: you must ask the counter to make a change of study plan and move the credit from supplement to other activities

To find out more and learn about the subject of the activity read carefully the course programme

For more information and to view the list of courses go to the dedicated page


For more information and to view the list of courses go to the dedicated page


Proposals Other activities

You can identify other activities on your own and contact the Course Committee by e-mail who will assess the appropriateness of the topics.

CFU Recognition

Once you have acquired credits for Other Activities, to request their registration in your study plan, you will need to:

  1. access the Student Plaza of UniGe
  2. select your course of study (and, if present, your curriculum)
  3. .
  4. follow the directions given for recording CFUs in your study plan