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Info 2024/2025

Duration 3 years
CFU 180
Class L-9
Access Free access
Locations SAVONA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme LUCIA CASSETTARI
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy
Information about this Course for previous years is available here INGEGNERIA MECCANICA - ENERGIA E PRODUZIONE 10800

The course in brief


The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Production provides a solid scientific-technical foundation that enables the graduate to face both the continuation of engineering studies and entry into the world of work.

Particular attention is paid to the basic preparation and acquisition of up-to-date methods, techniques and tools for:

  • the sustainable production and optimal management of renewable energy - Energy
  • curriculum
  • the management of industrial production - Manufacturing curriculum
  • .

Learning by doing

The course of study carries out its activities in close contact with the business and research realities of the Savona University Campus

The basic teachings are attentive to monitoring learning and assisting in overcoming initial difficulties.

Advanced courses include speeches by qualified business personalities and experiences at the laboratories on the Savona Campus.

Professional outlets

The main job opportunities are in industry, services and public administration.

In particular:

  • in mechanical and electromechanical industries;
  • .
  • in manufacturing enterprises for production
  • .
  • in industries and public and private entities operating in the field of production and energy
  • in enterprises and plant design firms
  • in enterprises for refrigeration and environmental air conditioning
  • in companies for the production and distribution of electricity and heat

The degree allows registration in the Register of Industrial Engineers iuniores, after passing the state exam, and to engage in free profession (feasibility studies, design, technical arbitrations, expert opinions for parties or as court expert, etc.).

What you will learn


progettare e gestire impianti per la realizzazione di distretti energetici intelligenti

system efficiency

efficientamento di sistemi, impianti ed edifici per la riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti

energia a ridotto impatto ambientale

ottimizzare produzione e consumi energetici, utilizzare combustibili innovativi (Hydrogen Fuel Cell)

impresa 4.0

tecnologie per migliorare la produttività quantitativa e qualitativa degli impianti

Did you know that.

Hai a disposizione un'ampia scelta di materiali audiovisivi per la preparazione dei corsi di base

Le lezioni si tengono presso il Campus universitario di Savona

Il Campus ti mette a disposizione le sue infrastrutture: aule adeguate, laboratori, biblioteca, alloggi, mensa e attrezzature sportive


The Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Production ensures adequate mastery of general scientific methods and content along with technical-scientific skills in the areas of energy engineering and production management. The training is geared to prepare professional figures who can both continue their studies with a Master's Degree and be immediately employable in the industrial fabric.

In the first year priority is given to the preparation of the mathematical, fisico-chemical and computer science bases.

Starting from the second year skills related to disciplines of the proper area of industry and mechanics are acquired.

In the third year, knowledge and skills related to the curriculum of choice are deepened:

  • Energy: skills on traditional and renewable energy production and distribution, chemical plants, plumbing, industrial systems management
  • Management of Production: skills on materials procurement and management, planning of means of production and logistics and production systems, organization of production, organization and automation of production systems

Where we are

Savona University Campus
. Via Magliotto 2
17100 Savona

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Responsible for Orientation
. Renato Procopio

Reference for Education