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The course provides you with an education with a wide-ranging preparation.

The preparation we provide is solid and thorough while, at the same time, leaving the student with ample freedom on how to pursue their studies.

Course activities take place in the Savona University Campus, in a equippedand livable environment.

What will you study

In first year priority is given to the preparation of the mathematical, physicochemical and computer science foundations. Alongside these subjects, an initial approach with disciplines of the engineering-industrial area is provided.

Starting from second year, in addition to consolidating basic knowledge, skills are acquired related to disciplines of the proper engineering area within the industrial and management sectors.

In the third year knowledge and skills related to

are deepened according to the chosen curriculum.
  • Energy curriculum: conversion, production and distribution of traditional and renewable energy
  • Manufacturing curriculum: main types of plants and logistics and management of industrial systems.

After graduation

The energy engineering graduate


Who is it?

The Bachelor's degree graduate is a mechanical engineer capable of dealing with energy production and management of production systems.

What does he/she do?

The graduate is able to collaborate in the activities of design, construction management, estimating and testing of machines and plants.

More specifically, choosing the curriculum Energy will also be able to collaborate on the activities of:

  • management, optimization, reduction and recovery of energy consumption at production facilities
  • design, management and control at plants for the production and conversion of energy from traditional and renewable sources
  • design and management of distributed generation, cogeneration and district heating networks for the realization of smart energy districts - smart-grid - in civil and industrial
  • environmental and energy raw materials and resources management, and project and production systems management.

By choosing the curriculum Production Management instead, he/she will also be able to collaborate in the activities of

  • materials procurement and management
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  • planning of means of production and logistics and production systems
  • production organization
  • organization and automation of production systems
  • management control, investment appraisal, and industrial marketing.

Where do you work?

The main employment outlets for graduates in Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Manufacturing are:

  • in industries
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  • in services
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  • in public administration

and in particular:

  • in mechanical and electromechanical;
  • in manufacturing enterprises for production
  • in public and private industries and entities operating in the field of production and energy
  • in enterprises and firms for plant design
  • in enterprises for refrigeration and the environmental air conditioning
  • in companies producing and distributing electricity and heat

After passing the state exam, the graduate in Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Production can engage in freelance profession (feasibility studies, design, technical arbitrations, expert opinions for parties or as a court expert, etc.).