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Final project

What is

For admission to the graduate examination, you must have completed all the credits required by the educational regulations of your degree program.

The graduation examination consists of the presentation and discussion before a committee of a written paper:

  • deeply articulated on a topic related to one or more of the disciplines included in your curriculum


  • related to a project related to an internship activity

You will have to agree on the topic of your thesis with your chosen thesis advisor by the end of the second semester of your second year.

To support your paper during the final examination, you may use a PowerPoint presentation.

What to do to graduate

If you are an undergraduate, you must:

  1. Choose the degree session
  2. Enter the title of your thesis
  3. Fill out the degree application online
  4. Fill out the questionnaire AlmaLaurea online
  5. In case you have books on loan, return them to the library
  6. Fill out the questionnaire to evaluate your study course


  1. Check that you are current on your tax payments
  2. Pay the stamp tax of € 16 for the issuance of the degree diploma (pay here)
  3. Check that you have taken all your exams and training activities
  4. Check that they are all marked on your online career no later than 15 days before the date of your graduation session


The final test is passed if you obtained a grade of not less than 66 points out of 110.

Withdrawal of parchments

The collection of Degree, Master's, Doctorate and Postgraduate Parchments for all schools takes place by appointment at the 'UniGe World' premises at Via Balbi 40-42 r - ground floor (opposite Via Balbi 5).

Info, timetable and booking on the page Diploma collection