Admission requirements You can only enter this course if you have earned a bachelor's degree or equivalent (pre-doctoral degree, university diploma - 3 years, direct school for special purposes - 3 years) and if you meet the specific requirements. Did you get your degree abroad? Yes If you have graduated abroad, you will have to take a Italian language proficiency test. No If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. Specific requirements You can enroll in the Course if you have a degree in Classes L-16 or L-36 or the corresponding Classes L-19 and L-15 of the previous system. If you hold a different bachelor's degree, you must obtain 40 CFUs, distributed as follows: 10 credits in the field of history (SPS/02, SPS/03, MSTO/04) 10 credits in the field of law (IUS/10, IUS/13, IUS/14, IUS/21) 10 credits in the field of socio-politology (SPS/07, SPS/04) 10 credits in the field of economics (SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02) You will also need to demonstrate basic computer skills.
2. Register and pre-register To enroll in this course of study, you must go through the online process that includes registration and pre-registration (for more information you can watch theTUTORIAL). UniGe Portal Registration If you have never been enrolled at the University of Genoa, access the UniGe Portal and get your UniGePASS credentials (for more information you can watch the TUTORIAL). Pre-registration Make apply for pre-registration using the UniGePASS credentials you received with your registration. To learn about the deadlines and how you can enroll in UniGe check out the pages Dates and Enrollment
4. Confirm registration confirmation that you want to the course of study of your choice from those indicated in the pre-registration you have already entered, pay the first installment of fees according to the modalities and the deadlines indicated.