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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-11
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme PIETRO MARESCOTTI
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The degree course aims to train researchers and experts in the field of diagnostics, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, integrating scientific and art-historical skills. Teaching covers the chemical and physical characterization of materials and their degradation processes, the study of artistic techniques and those of prevention and restoration, and knowledge - theoretical and practical - of the main applied analytical methodologies.

Learning by doing

Active participation in non-invasive diagnostic analysis campaigns (XRF, IR, Raman) on works, including those belonging to the Athenaeum's artistic heritage, generally on site and with state-of-the-art portable instruments, is expected. Courses include classroom exercises, laboratories and study of collections. Technical visits and internships at restoration laboratories and sites, museums, quarries, and art fairs are organized. Seminars on restoration techniques are also offered.

Professional outlets

The cultural heritage scientific expert can carry out activities in:

  • universities and public and private research institutions
  • institutions of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism responsible for the protection of cultural heritage
  • museums, libraries, archives
  • restoration laboratories
  • auction houses
  • diagnostics associated with the mobilization of works of art

What you will learn

chimica per i beni culturali

caratterizzazione dei materiali di interesse e loro uso in conservazione, consolidamento e restauro

metodologie fisiche per la conservazione

tecniche fisiche più utili nello studio e nella conservazione dei beni culturali

mineralogia, petrografia per i beni culturali

origine, classificazione, metodi di analisi, degrado di rocce e building materials; archeoceramici

storia e tecnica del restauro

restauro di pittura e scultura in Italia e in Europa; diagnostica per immagini

botanica, zoologia e microbiologia per i beni culturali

classificazione, presenza, distribuzione degli organismi e interazione con i beni culturali

storia delle tecniche pittoriche

caratteri e storia dell'uso di coloranti e leganti, alla base di tutte le tecniche pittoriche

laboratorio di mineralogia e petrografia

metodi di analisi di materiali inorganici (MOLP, XRPD, SEM-EDS) e loro applicazione


natura e proprietà dei materiali metallici, tecniche di indagine di acciai e leghe metalliche, microstrutture

tecniche analitiche delle sostanze organiche

identificazione della struttura di molecole organiche con tecniche spettroscopiche (UV, IR, NMR, MS)

Did you know that.

Gli studenti hanno sempre uno o più tutor a disposizione

Vengono organizzati seminari professionalizzanti

Tesi e tirocini sono occasione per interagire con istituzioni e imprese esterne all'Università

Abbiamo attivato stage Erasmus+ con sedi di eccellenza nel settore

I laureandi possono prendere in prestito per la tesi alcuni strumenti portatili


The undergraduate course is aimed at training experts in the field of diagnostics for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

The teachings provide solid knowledge of the characterization of materials and their degradation processes and analytical techniques useful for a campaign of analysis for research, preventive conservation and restoration. Fundamentals of chemistry, physics, biology, mineralogy, geology, and archaeometry enable the master's degree graduate to solve technical and scientific problems in conservation and restoration interventions of artifacts, including polymaterials and in different environmental contexts. The solid art-historical, archival, and library science background enhances his or her actions as a technologist.

The Conservation Scientist possesses, at the end of his or her studies, a good knowledge of historical-artistic and/or archaeological disciplines, a sound methodological and operational mastery of scientific techniques applicable to the conservation of cultural heritage, and the skills to design complex interdisciplinary diagnostic protocols, preparing high-tech conservation interventions.

The master's degree holder possesses the prerequisites to enter higher education paths - graduate school, doctorate - and advanced scientific research in applied conservation and restoration sciences.


9009_Pietro Marescotti
Welcome to the Master's Degree Program in Methodologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. We hope to provide a stimulating, multidisciplinary, up-to-date and student-friendly course. We wish to share the results of our research with a focus on new technologies and trends in the field, with the goal of training competent professionals capable of successfully entering the world of work.

Pietro Marescotti

Where we are

The teachings are held at the following departments


Department of Earth Sciences of Environment and Life - DISTAV
Corso Europa 26
16132 Genova

Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry - DCCI
Via Dodecaneso 31
16146 Genova

Department of Physics - DIFI
Via Dodecaneso 33
16146 Genova

Department of Italianistics, Romanistics, Antiquities, Arts and Entertainment - DIRAAS
Via Balbi 6
16126 Genova

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MFN Science Student One-Stop Shop

DISTAV Teaching Secretariat

Instructional Manager
Francesca Rossi

Instagram: @scienzaearte
Twitter: @scienzaearte