Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L/SNT1 NURSING HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND MIDWIFE HEALTH PROFESSIONS Access Admission test Available places EU Students 20 Non-EU Students 1 EU Students 20 Non-EU Students 1 Locations GENOVA Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme ANGELO CAGNACCI Department DIPARTIMENTO DI NEUROSCIENZE, RIABILITAZIONE, OFTALMOLOGIA, GENETICA E SCIENZE MATERNO-INFANTILI Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Previous years Info
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Notice of admission Attachments Document Bando di ammissione ai corsi di laurea Professioni Sanitarie a.a. 2024/2025
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The course in brief Presentation The Bachelor of Science Degree in Midwifery trains midwives who can work in the fields of care, relational, educational, management, training and research in the areas of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, preservation and recovery of health. The course prepares students to work in the obstetric, neonatal, and gynecological fields in the various settings of life and places of care, with their own responsibility, independently or in collaboration with other health and social professionals. Learning by doing The course is organized into theoretical activities and clinical internship. It uses active, student-centered teaching methodologies to develop progressive knowledge acquisition, comprehension and learning skills, independent judgment, and communication skills. It also experiences clinical practice prior to the internship in both the gestalt laboratory and the Advanced Simulation Center. Professional outlets The midwife finds employment in public and private health facilities, on a freelance basis, in all territorial and home services dedicated to prevention, diagnosis, treatment, safeguarding and recovery of health in the obstetric, neonatal, gynecological, and sexological fields. He/she can work both domestically and in EU countries or other countries that recognize the title. After the first cycle of studies, the student has access to Level I Master's degree and Level II Master's degree (lasting 2 years). What you will learn ostetricia in prevenzione i compiti dell'ostetrica e le procedure in questo ambito anatomia, fisiologia, biochimica, farmacologia, genetica, statistica le basi del corpo umano e delle sue funzioni midwifery e la relazione di cura modelli assistenziali, comunicazione e problematiche psicologiche in gravidanza e nelle pazienti ginecologiche fisiopatologia della riproduzione umana problematiche relative all'infertilità e saper assistere in sala operatoria gravidanza assistenza ostetrica alla gravidanza a basso rischio, riconoscere i problemi psicologici in gravidanza nascita assistenza ostetrica alla donna e al bambino nel parto a basso rischio, riconoscere i problemi psicologici dopo il parto scienze della salute assistenza ostetrica nelle diverse culture e la legislazione ostetrica ricerca metodologie di ricerca per effettuare ricerche scientifiche patologia ostetrica: la gravidanza e il parto assistenza ostetrica alla donna e al bambino nella gravidanza e nel parto a medio e alto rischio ginecologia patologie urologiche ed oncologiche in ambito ginecologico ed elementi di prevenzione e riabilitazione management sanitario e medicina legale principi di diritto del lavoro e pubblico ed elementi di economia sanitaria tirocinio in ambiente ospedaliero apprendimento delle tecniche ostetriche per sviluppare competenze assistenziali Did you know that. Organizziamo seminari con ospiti internazionali In ogni semestre per 2 o 3 mesi frequenterai le lezioni e per i restanti i reparti ospedalieri Avrai l'opportunità di svolgere periodi di tirocinio all'estero (internship) Svolgerai parte del tirocinio nel primo centro nascita italiano alongside (in Italia ne esistono solo 3) Puoi leggere i nostri dati occupazionali Contents The midwifery graduate has skills in area:. gynecological obstetric and neonatal training organizational relational deontological The skills of the midwife It identifies the physical, psychological and social needs of women, to provide technical and scientific responses appropriate to the levels of need, including to foreign users, patients with breast and reproductive system pathology, with alterations in pelvic statics, infertility, menopause, metabolic, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Implements interventions of preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative nature. Furthermore, knows how to provide adequate, complete and correct information on family planning while respecting the right of responsible motherhood and fatherhood. It conducts diagnostic investigations for benign diseases of the female urogenital system, promotes positive health lifestyles, and adopts systems of care oriented toward empowerment and self-care. Plans and conducts research projects aimed at improving, in terms of efficiency, appropriateness, and effectiveness of care, care pathways in the gynecological area. Identifies obstetric risk factors and defines the clinical care pathway appropriate to the levels of need based on validated scientific evidence. Assists in deliveries and instruments cesarean sections. Promotes early mother-child attachment and breastfeeding based on WHO and UNICEF recommendations and has communication skills with the mother/couple/family, including in cases of illness and/or neonatal bereavement. Assures the correct application of diagnostic-therapeutic services, in accordance with scientific principles by adapting them to the person assisted, in relation to the various priority health problems in the preconceptional, perinatal and neonatal areas. Applies the scientific method in the research and collection of care data and scientific literature, for the development of research in the areas of obstetric, gynecological and neonatal care. Knows the principles and rules of ethical-deontological and medico-legal order. Coordinator Image Welcome to the Bachelor of Science in Midwifery program! We will share with you our knowledge and give you the skills you need to do the work of midwifery in both nursing and research, an indispensable area of this delicate profession. Angelo Cagnacci Where we are Educational Secretariat. San Martino Polyclinic - Pavilion 1 Largo Rosanna Benzi 10 16132 Genoa FAQ 1) What work does an Obstetrics graduate do?. The Graduate in Obstetrics is the health professional who, possessing the qualifying university diploma and professional registration, assists and counsels women during the period of pregnancy, during childbirth and in the puerperium, conducts and carries out eutocytic deliveries (physiological deliveries) on his or her own responsibility, and provides care for the newborn (Ministry of Health Decree No. 740 of September 14, 1994). The midwife, to the extent of her responsibility, participates in: 1) health and sex education interventions both within the family and in the community; 2) psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth; 3) preparation for and assistance in gynecological interventions; 4) prevention and detection of cancers of the female genital sphere; and 5) maternal and neonatal care programs. The midwife/obstetrician, in accordance with professional ethics, solse the following functions: 1) manages, as a member of the health care team, the care intervention within his/her competence; 2) identifies potentially pathological situations that require medical intervention; 3) practices, where necessary, the relevant specific emergency measures. He/she also contributes to the training of support staff and directly contributes to updating related to his/her professional profile and research. 2) What does a midwifery graduate not do?. The Obstetrics graduate does not make medical diagnoses or prescribe drugs. The Degree in Midwifery is a three-year bachelor's degree qualifying for the profession of midwifery, so he/she can do this profession and no other. 3) What kind of motivations do those who choose to major in Midwifery have?. Specifically, graduates in Obstetrics have a background focused on the area of gynecology, obstetrics and neonatal care and are able to carry out intellectual and technical/scientific interventions in the areas of care, relationships, education, management, training and research aimed at the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, preservation and recovery of health in obstetrics, neonatal, gynecological and gyneco-oncological, paying special attention to the support of the woman and the new family, participating in health education (prevention of cancers of the female genital sphere) and sexuality interventions both within the family and in the community and in the various living contexts and places of care. It is a challenging degree program and profession that requires perseverance, continuous updating of both theoretical and technical-practical skills; it also requires aptitude for listening, operating with science and conscience, and being a point of reference for the woman/couple. 4) Where can I get a job with a degree in Midwifery?. The midwife carries out her activities in health care facilities, public or private, on a dependent or freelance basis. In addition, he/she may take up teaching positions in university and research after completing post-basic training (Master's Degree, Doctorate) 5) What types of users does a midwifery graduate work with?. The midwife/ midwife recognizes the centrality of the woman, the couple, the newborn, the child, the family, and the community and implements interventions appropriate to the health needs, in the exercise of the functions of his or her competence for the prevention, treatment, preservation, and recovery of individual and collective health. 6) In what public institutions can a graduate in midwifery work?. In all public health facilities that guarantee the regulations related to the professional profile. In universities after obtaining a master's degree. 7) What outlets does an Obstetrics graduate have in the private sector? In all private health facilities that guarantee the regulations related to the professional profile. 8) What advanced studies can a Graduate in Obstetrics have access to? A Graduate in Midwifery can access Master's degree and Master's degree. After earning the Master's Degree, he/she can access second-level Master's degrees and the PhD. 9) How many chances does an Obstetrics graduate have of finding a job?. The need is high, however, there is a need for flexibility in regional displacement, both in the public and private sectors. 10) What career possibilities does a midwifery graduate have? Career possibilities in the clinical/career setting, in the organizational/managerial field, and in the educational/university sector. Read more Educational Secretary. Matilde Maria Canepa