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Advanced course in drug economics, health and health technologies


During the year 2019 was held the fifth edition of the APHEC Advanced Course in Economics of Medicine, Health and Health Technology.

The aim of the course is to develop new and detailed skills in the field of health economics, skills that can find immediate and useful application in the choices and decisions of policy makers and decision makers.

The course intends to provide participants with evaluation and analysis methodologies suitable for understanding the complex market and behavioral dynamics that characterize the drug and health market and its most important players (economic and institutional).

The enrollment is totally free and participation is recommended if you are:

  • Graduated in Service in the Healthcare Sector of the Public Administration
  • Student of the Schools of Specialization in Medicine and Pharmacy
  • PhD in economic and/or health matters
  • New graduate who intends to improve his skills in the field of Medicine and Health Economics

N.B. If you want the course to be recognized, you must participate 100% of the hours of the course.

To know how to participate and admit the VI edition 2020, stay updated by clicking on the first useful link.