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Committees and delegates

Course Council Coordinator

He is in charge of carrying out the functions assigned to him by the University Statute and the University Teaching Regulations:

  • coordinates the committees and those responsible for the activities of the Course of Study
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  • convenes the Council of the CdS
  • approves the SUA-CdS, the SMA and the RCRs

  • proposes and collaborates with the Internship Coordinators and students of the various locations
  • maintains contact with the managers and directors of the training venues' convention facilities

The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep management processes under control.

Course of Study QA Committee

It deals with:

  • compiling and updating the Single Annual Form (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)
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  • edit the Cyclical Review Report (RCR) and monitor the progress of proposed improvement activities
  • analyze teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, School Joint Committee reports

  • monitoring students' careers

  • monitor reports and requests from students, faculty and administrative technical staff

  • identify training demand and training objectives
  • develop the training course

  • revise each year the didactics and teaching regulations of the course of study

Teaching Commission

It deals with:

  • verify teaching facilities and student services
  • verify CFUs in relation to teaching load and progression in semesters
  • revise access requirements and arrangements for midterm and final examinations
  • check the information in the teaching records
  • monitor the course of instruction and organize it taking into account the needs of facilities and services

  • organize the provision of elective educational activities (ADEs)

Steering Committee

It deals with:

  • expressing needs from society and the world of work and culture
  • providing an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for training

  • define the scheduling of accesses to the CoS for the following academic year together with:
    • Representatives of professional and trade associations
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    • School Representation
    • Representatives of the Liguria region

Responsible for internships, traineeships and job orientation

It deals with:

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    managing and organizing the internship activities of the three-year course

  • collect from the internship mentors the opinions of the institutions at which internships were conducted

  • collect internship guides' evaluations of students' activities

  • supervise the entire professionalizing training of students in the three-year period, also in function of postgraduate professional opportunities

  • manage the process of awarding ECM credits to professionals in charge of mentoring activities in mandatory internships and apprenticeships:

    • for the completion of the Degree in Physiotherapy

    • for adaptation traineeships aimed at obtaining a license to practice in Italy for those professionals who have graduated abroad

Website manager

It deals with:

  • updating and verifying the information on the course of study website
  • checking that transparency requirements are met

  • gathering suggestions from students to improve the content

Study guidance committee

It deals with:

  • organizing orientation activities with schools and school/work alternation
  • organizing the promotion activities of the CoS to the outside world

  • organize and coordinate orientation activities

The degree program, for the reception and initial orientation of matriculants, provides the:

  • internship coordinator
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  • traineeship tutor
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  • student tutors
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Inbound guidance and mentoring activities are managed by a specific committee of the School. The functions and responsibilities are described in the SUA CdS framework (B5).

Responsible for coordinating class schedule and exams

It deals with:

  • managing class schedules so as to avoid overlapping

  • optimize the distribution of exam dates

  • publish on the course website the schedule of times and any changes

Tutoring committee

It deals with:

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    coordinating the activities of reception tutoring and educational tutoring

  • organize activities to verify the initial preparation

  • organize OFA remedial activities

  • check that tutors' activities and contact details are publicized

Responsible for international activities

It deals with:

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    coordinating students in the Erasmus+ program or other international programs

  • promote the internationalization of the LSC through outward promotional activities and faculty mobility

Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ)

Prof. Michele Iester - Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics and Maternal and Child Sciences