The graduate in Orthoptics and Ophthalmic Care is a health care professional who carries out his or her work in the prevention and rehabilitative treatment of diseases of the visual system in childhood, adulthood and geriatric age. Orthoptists - ophthalmology assistants Who is he/she?He is the practitioner who, on the doctor's prescription, treats vision disorders and is in charge of performing various types of ophthalmological diagnostic examinations. What does he/she do?The main duties of the Orthoptist are: the assessment of visual disorders and their possible correction, checking the status of 'binocular vision' and its preservation the use of diagnostic techniques and instrumental research in ophthalmology the care of pre- and post-operative treatment the re-education and rehabilitation of visual impairments. Where does he/she work?The graduate orthoptist carries out his/her professional activity in health care facilities, public or private, on a dependent or freelance basis. Access to the National Health Service (SSN), the University and other public employment entities is through competition or public selection.