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Career perspectives

The Ministerial Decree January 17, 1997, No. 56 regulates the professional figure of the developmental neuro and psychomotility therapist.

Developmental neuro and psychomotricity therapist

Who is he/she?

He/she is a health professional who is responsible for the attributions stipulated in the Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of Health No. 742 of September 14, 1994, as amended and supplemented. 'Practitioners of the health professions in the area of rehabilitation carry out with ownership and professional autonomy, in relation to individuals and the community, activities aimed at prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and functional evaluation procedures, in order to carry out their own competencies provided by the relevant professional profile' (Law August 10, 2000, No. 251, art.2, paragraph 1).

His activity consists of prevention, therapy and rehabilitation interventions in child neuropsychiatric diseases, in the areas of neuro-psychomotricity, neuropsychology and developmental psychopathology, in collaboration with the multi-professional team of Child Neuropsychiatry and in collaboration with other disciplines from the pediatric area.

What does he/she do?

  1. Elaborates, also in multidisciplinary team, the neuropsychomotor assessment and prevention, therapy and rehabilitation program aimed at identifying and overcoming the health needs of the child with developmental disabilities
  2. Practices autonomously therapeutic and rehabilitative activities for the functional rehabilitation of childhood neuropsychiatric disabilities, in perceptual-motor, neurocognitive and symbolization and interaction disorders of the child from birth
  3. Adapts therapeutic interventions to the particular characteristics of developmental patients with diverse clinical pictures that change over time in relation to emerging functions
  4. Uses age- and developmental stage-specific techniques to carry out therapeutic activities of neuropsychomotor, psychomotor, and neuropsychological disabilities of the developmental age
  5. Evaluates the interaction between affective, cognitive, and motor functions for each individual disability or disorder
  6. Collaborates within the multiprofessional team with school professionals for prevention, functional diagnosis, and individualized educational plan
  7. Identifies the physical, psychological and social needs susceptible to functional recovery of individuals of different ages, culture and health status and their families in various social settings.

Where does he/she work?

The Neuropsychomotricist finds placement within the regional H.S. (see national health contract), in private facilities accredited and affiliated with the H.S.R., clinics, rehabilitation facilities and centers, medical clinics, private multi-specialty clinics, in school facilities, in municipal childcare facilities.

Current regulations allow the performance of freelance activities, in individual or associated professional practices, service cooperatives, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), public or private prevention services. Neuropsychomotricists carry out training activities for other health and social-health professions.