Bandi di selezione tutorato Call for Selection 2023 Note tutor 2023 D.R.2317 of 18 May 2023 Decree amending project description A_ING_15 General Part common to all profiles . Profile A: Tutors and educational tutors of the project A_Tutormat (as better specified in the Annex 1) and peer educational tutors (as better specified in the Annex 2) for carrying out tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities Profile B: Peer tutor for carrying out tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities for disabled students Profile C: Reception tutors and student tutors of the C_Tutormat project for carrying out tutoring activities for freshmen (as better specified in Annex 3) Bando di selezione 2022 Activity Deadline Extension Proclamation R.D. no.2232 Profile A: Didactic tutors (as better specified in Attachment 1) and peer tutors (as better specified in Attachment 2) for the carrying out of tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities Profile B: Peer tutor for tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities for disabled students Profile C: Welcome tutors for the performance of tutoring activities for freshmen (as better specified in Annex 3) Bando di selezione 2021 Call for applications DR 1800 of 03.05.2021 (extended by R.D. 2220 of 24.05.2021). . Profile A: Didactic tutors (as better specified in Attachment 1) and peer tutors (as better specified in Attachment 2) for the carrying out of tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities Profile B: Peer tutor for tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities for disabled students Profile C: Reception tutors for the performance of tutoring activities for freshmen (as better specified in Annex 3) Bando di selezione 2020 Notice DR 1610 of 27/04/2020 Profile A: Tutors (as better specified in Annex 1) and peer tutors (as better specified in Annex 2) for carrying out tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities Profile B: Peer tutor for tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities for disabled students Profile C: Reception tutors for the performance of tutoring activities for freshmen (as better specified in Annex 3) Bando di selezione 2019 Bando DR 1716 of 7/5/2019 Profile A: Didactic tutors (as better specified in Annex 1) and peer tutors (as better specified in Annex 2) for carrying out tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities Profile B: Peer tutor for tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities for disabled students Profile C: Reception tutors for the performance of tutoring activities for freshmen (as better specified in Annex 3) Prova test Graduatorie tutorato 2023 PROFILE A Profile A - TutoringCommunication for successful tutors (see definitive ranking list).Tuesday 12 September 2023 from 2 to 5.30 p.m.The role-training meeting for tutors will be held. The meeting will take place in the San Salvatore Lecture Room in Piazza di Sarzano 9, Genoa. The programme and organisational details will be communicated by e-mail, together with the link to confirm attendance.Please note that training hours must be entered in the register!. ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN List admitted to interview (published on 27.06.2023) interview date: 10 July 2023 at the Department of Architecture and Design meeting room at 9.00 a.m. The interview is scheduled to take place in person but only those unable to attend for serious reasons may request an online interview by writing to, if agreed the team code is 1tk4lfp Final list (published on 21.08.2023) ECONOMY List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: 12 July, 9 a.m. Tabarca Lecture Hall - Dockyard Final ranking (published on 03.08.2023) PHARMACY List admitted to interview (published on 27.06.2023) interview date: 4 July at 14:00 at the library on the 1st floor of DIFAR, viale Benedetto XV, 3 Final list (published on 03.08.2023) JURISPRUDENCE List admitted to interview (published on 27.06.2023) interview date: Tuesday 4 July at 13 o'clock at Professors' room, via Balbi 5, first floor at the department chair Final Ranking (published on 09.08.2023) Engineering List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: see dates and modalities -updated 26th July 2023 Final list (updated 06.09.2023) LETTERE AND PHILOSOPHY List admitted to interview (published on 03.07.2023) interview date: 11 July, from 9 a.m. - see modality Final list (published on 03.08.2023) MODER LANGUAGES AND CULTURES List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: see date and modalities (updated on 13 July 2023) on Teams (code available soon) Final list (updated 04.09.2023) MEDICINE AND SURGERY List admitted to interview (published on 03.07.2023) interview date: see dates and modalities Final list (published on 09.08.2023) SCIENCES OF TRAINING List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: see dates and modalities Final ranking (published on 03.08.2023) MATHEMATIC, PHYSICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: 20 July, DIFI (Aula Magna) - at 10.30 a.m.. Final ranking (published on 22.08.2023) POLITICAL AND INTERNATIONAL SCIENCES List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: 12 July 2023, from 15:00 to 18:30 - Room 16, Albergo dei Poveri (see criteria) Final ranking (published on 10.08.2023) TUTORMAT List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: 20 July, DIFI (Aula Magna) - at 10.30. Final ranking (published on 22.08.2023) TUTORCHIM List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: 20 July, DIFI (Aula Magna) - at 10.30. Final ranking (published on 22.08.2023) ORIENTATION SERVICE List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: 28 July 2023, at 10.00 a.m. at the Orientation, Career Service and Inclusion Service in Piazza della Nunziata n.6 (mezzanine floor). Final list (published on 09.08.2023) Didactic Innovation Department - University Pole of Penitentiary List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: Final list (published on 09.08.2023) Lifelong Learning Sector - TRAINING COURSES No applications were received. Language Skills Development Sector - ONLINE ENGLISH COURSES List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date: Tuesday 25 July from 9 to 11 a.m. via Microsoft Teams platform - interview schedule Final ranking (published on 30.08.2023) Language Skills Development Sector - ICON List admitted for interview (published on 27.06.2023) interview date: Wednesday 2 August from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. via Microsoft Teams platform Final list (published on 09.08.2023) IANUA High School List admitted to interview (published on 27.06.2023) interview date: Friday 7 July at 9.30 a.m. via Microsoft Teams platform Final list (published on 03.08.2023) EQUAL EDUCATION List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023)Interview call for au pairs (published 6 October 2023) Final ranking list (published on 22.11.2023) PROFILE B List admitted to interview (published on 30.06.2023) interview date Final ranking (published on 22.08.2023) PROFILE C ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN list admitted to interview (published on 22.06.2023) interview date: 10 July 2023, 9 a.m. Management meeting room, Department of Architecture and Design The interview is scheduled to take place in person, but only those unable for serious reasons may request an online interview by writing to, if agreed the team code is 1tk4lfp . . Final ranking list (published on 18.07.2023) ECONOMY List admitted to interview (published on 21.06.2023) interview date: Wednesday 12 July from 9.00 a.m. in the Tabarca room, 3rd floor Department of Economics, via Vivaldi 5, Genova Final Ranking (published on 19.07.2023) FARMACY list admitted to interview (published on 22.06.2023) interview date: 4 July at 14:00 in the library on the 1st floor of DIFAR, viale Benedetto XV, 3 . Final list (published on 13.07.2023) JURISPRUDENCE list admitted to interview (published on 22.06.2023) interview date: 4 July 2023, 14:00 Rossello Lecture Hall, via Balbi 5, courtyard floor Final ranking (published on 13.07.2023) Engineering list admitted to interview (published on 26.06.2023) interview date: see notice and modalities - updated 7 July 2023 Final list (published updated 24.07.2023) LETTERE AND PHILOSOPHY List admitted for interview (published on 21.06.2023) interview date: 27 and 28 June 2023. (see notice and modalities - updated 26 June 2023) Final list (published on 04.07.2023) Modern Languages and Cultures list admitted to interview (published on 22.06.2023) interview date: 29 June 2023, 9 a.m. Koch Lecture Hall, 5th floor, Palazzo Serra, P.zza Santa Sabina, 2 Final list (published on 04.07.2023) MEDICINE AND SURGERY list admitted to interview (published on 22.06.2023) interview date: see dates and modalities . Final ranking list (published on 20.07.2023) SCIENCES OF TRAINING List admitted for interview (published on 21.06.2023) interview date: 29 June 2023 (see notice and modalities). Final list (published on 04.07.2023) MATHEMATIC, PHYSICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES list admitted to interview (published on 26.06.2023) interview date: 4 July 2023, 9.30 a.m. Room 2, DCCI - Via Dodecaneso 31. Final Ranking (published on 07.07.2023) POLITICAL AND INTERNATIONAL SCIENCES List admitted for interview (published on 21.06.2023) . interview date: 12 July 2023, from 15:00 to 18:30 - Room 16, Albergo dei Poveri (see criteria). Final list (published on 21.07.2023) Internationalisation Service List admitted for interview (published 23.06.2023) interview date: 5 and 6 July 2023, starting at 9 a.m. Meeting room, Piazza della Nunziata 6 (see notice/mode) Final list (published on 14.07.2023) PROJECT C_ORIE_01 List admitted to interview - C-ORIE-01 - (published on 22.06.2023) interview date: 28 June 2023 (see announcement) Final list (published on 03.07.2023) PROJECT C_RADIO list admitted to interview (published on 26.06.2023) interview date: 30 June 2023, 9 a.m. at the DCCI at the entrance of via Dodecaneso 31 Final Ranking (published on 07.07.2023)