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CODE 101289
Propedeuticità in ingresso
Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami:


The course aims to provide students with the tools for an advanced use of the elements of the morphology and syntax of the Chinese language aimed at: 1) improving oral and written skills, 2) the formulation of conversations on specific topics through the use of a broader and more detailed vocabulary, 3) the deepening of translation techniques on the most common text typologies.



The course aims at providing students with a language competence equaling level B2 of the CEFR, which allows them to understand written texts of various registers, to produce written texts on different topics and to take part into a conversation expressing their own ideas and reacting properly to external inputs. At the end of the course, students will know actively some 1300 characters and 2300 words and will have acquired solid grammatical knowledge of modern Chinese.


The course involves the refinement of translation and expressive skills in modern Chinese, with particular reference to the written language and oral expression in specific situations and on multiple topics. The skills of analysis and understanding of short texts of medium difficulty relating to some of the most common types (fiction, press reports, essays) will also be perfected. At the end of the course, students must: 1) demonstrate they have acquired adequate morphological, syntactic and lexical knowledge equal to the HSK4 level; 2) fully apply the notions learned in the reading and translating process, undergoing a critical analysis of texts of medium difficulty and display an oral production consistent with the expected level; 3) have developed a working methodology to autonomously deepen what has been learned, proceeding with a critical evaluation of the source of information used; 4) be able to demonstrate the acquisition of all the main linguistic means, to express his thoughts in a simple and clear way; 5) demonstrate the understanding of the various contents presented during the course. Active participation during lessons is essential in order to improve one's learning model.


To have already passed Lingua cinese II exam.


The course is structured in:

Lettorato (first and second semester): 100 hours of frontal teaching.

Theoretical Module (second semester): 30 hours of frontal teaching.

Both in the Lettorato and in the Theoretical Module, translation or composition assignments will be periodically handed out (to be carried out independently or in groups), then will be analysed and discussed during class time.

Attendance of both the Lettorato and the Theoretical Module is therefore strongly recommended.


The course consists of:

1) lettorato lasting one year, focused on deepening all the morphosyntactic elements of the Chinese language with multiple exercises aimed at acquiring lexical and discursive skills equal to the HSK 4 level, aimed at developing adequate skills in both oral and written production;

  2) 30-hrs. theoretical module on the first semester focusing on the main translation and interpretative techniques applied to different types of texts and contents, with particular reference to the contemporary socio-cultural context.


 - Mandatory texts:

- Abbiati, Magda, Grammatica di cinese moderno, Venezia, Cafoscarina, 1998.

- Arcodia G.F., Basciano B., Linguistica cinese, Bologna, Patron, 2016.

And one of the following books at student choice:

- Chan Koonchung, Il demone della prosperità, Longanesi, Milano 2012.

- Fang Fang, Wuhan. Diari da una città chiusa, Rizzoli, Milano 2020.

- Yu Hua, Mao Zedong è arrabbiato, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2018.

Extra readings could be delivered during class hours and made available on aulaweb. 

- Recommended dictionaries:

Casacchia G., Bai Yukun, Dizionario Cinese-Italiano, Cafoscarina, Venezia 2013.

Zhao Xiuying, Il dizionario di cinese. Dizionario Cinese-Italiano Italiano-Cinese, Zanichelli, Bologna 2013.      

Wu Guanghua (ed.), Han-ying da cidian 汉英大辞典 - Chinese-English Dictionary, Shanghai Jiaotong daxue chubanshe, Shanghai 1993, 2 voll./ New Age Chinese-English Dictionary, Beijing, The Commercial Press, 2001.

 Liang Shih-Chiu (ed.), Yuandong Han-ying da cidian 遠東漢英大辭典 Far East Chinese-English Dictionary, Far East Book Company, Taipei 1992.


Exam Board

LUCA PISANO (President)





Class schedule will be available in the second half of September and checked over Easyacademy.

Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



The exam consists of a compulsory written test before the oral interview.

Written test:

- test over morphology and syntax of Chinese language (no dictionary);

- translation of a short text from Chinese to Italian (dictionary allowed);

- coimposition of a short text in Chinese (no dictionary);

- dictation (no dictionary);

Total duration of the written test: max. 4 hours.

N.B .: For the admission to the oral interview, each single part of the test must get at least a passing grade. All parts of the written test must be taken within the same round.

Oral exam:

Students will have to demonstrate knowledge of the grammar of the language and read texts of difficulty equal to the HSK 4 level. Students must be able to hold a conversation on conventional topics with the linguistic expert and know the writing of the characters provided. They will also have to demonstrate that they have acquired complete familiarity in the analysis of all the texts dealt with during the Theoretical Module. They will also have to know the content of the texts provided in the bibliography for which they must also be able to expound a correct historical framework, using the indications and suggestions given by the teacher during the year.


The written exam of Chinese Language III will verify the consolidation of translation skills relating to the written text (Chinese-Italian translation), oral comprehension (dictation) and comprehension skills (reading and reading comprehension).
The oral examination of the lettorato part will verify the acquisition of skills related to oral comprehension and production, as well as the degree of assimilation of skills related to the understanding and knowledge of the expected characters. The oral exam relating to the theoretical module will verify the acquisition of all the analytical knowledge relating to the texts analyzed during the course. Knowledge of the contents of the compulsory texts indicated in the bibliography will also be verified. The quality of the exposition, the correct use of the scientific lexicon (in particular in relation to the principles of textual morphosyntax as well as the issues discussed in the texts indicated in the bibliography or provided in class) and the ability of critical orientation will be evaluated.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
19/01/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale
23/01/2023 10:00 GENOVA Scritto
09/02/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale
02/05/2023 16:00 GENOVA Orale
01/06/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
07/06/2023 14:00 GENOVA Orale
29/06/2023 14:00 GENOVA Orale
05/09/2023 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
05/09/2023 16:30 GENOVA Orale
06/09/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
08/09/2023 14:00 GENOVA prova aggiuntiva lettorato cinese 3 LCM
25/09/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto


To the students who hold a certification of specific learning disorders, disability or other educational requirements: please send an email to Prof. Puppin at the beginning of the course, in order to discuss beforehand the best teaching and exam methods that, in alignment with the intended learning objectives, will take into account your specific needs and will provide suitable compensatory tools.