CODE 106922 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 BIOLOGIA APPLICATA E SPERIMENTALE 11158 (LM-6) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE 9022 (LM-74) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 2 CONSERVAZIONE E GESTIONE DELLA NATURA 10589 (LM-60) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 3 STATISTICA MATEM. E TRATTAM. INFORMATICO DEI DATI 8766 (L-35) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 3 MATEMATICA 8760 (L-35) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 1 MATEMATICA 9011 (LM-40) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR GEO/04 TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course offers content and training activities related to didactic methodologies and technologies for Earth Sciences specific for competition classes A-28, A-32 and A-50 referred to in Ministerial Decree of 08.10.2017 n. 616 (Article 3 paragraph 3 letter d). re given. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course provides students with methods and tools for the Earth Sciences education in the secondary school, also in an interdisciplinary way, and takes up the conceptual foundations of the geology and geomorphology disciplines from the educational point of view. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course provides students with methods and tools for teaching Earth Sciences in secondary schools also in an interdisciplinary key and takes up the founding nuclei of the geological and geomorphological disciplines from the teaching point of view. At the end of this course the student will be able to: know the main epistemological and conceptual obstacles related to Earth Sciences, the prevailing misconceptions and the conceptual organizers of the discipline; know the different inter and trans-disciplinary teaching methodologies applicable in the context of secondary school (knowledge and understanding) knowing how to identify obstacles and misconceptions by reflecting first on oneself and on scientific models often adopted in an uncritical and notional way designing interdisciplinary teaching and learning paths in teams on Earth Sciences topics consistent with the skills to be pursued; understand and structure simple educational research in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching interventions (ability to apply knowledge and understanding) knowing how to select contents and levels of depth of the discipline on the basis of the specific teaching / learning contexts; recognize obstacles and misconceptions and evaluate specific learning levels; evaluate appropriate teaching tools and methodologies in relation to specific teaching / learning contexts (independent judgment) being able to describe with appropriate language, in written and oral form, the planning and implementation phases of a didactic path in the geological field, also through excursions on the ground (communication skills) demonstrate an aptitude for epistemological and didactic reflection on the main knowledge relating to Earth Sciences and education for sustainability (learning ability) PREREQUISITES The course does not include compulsory prerequisites, but basic knowledge of Earth Sciences is considered appropriate. This knowledge is recalled during teaching if necessary to address the founding nuclei of the various disciplines in secondary school teaching. TEACHING METHODS The teaching will use different methods and techniques to achieve its educational and training objectives, in particular it will be able to make use of lectures, laboratory activities, excursions and / or activities in schools, multimedia, individual and / or group projects, analysis of teaching materials SYLLABUS/CONTENT Illustration of the main methodologies for the construction of activities and more generally of an earth science curriculum consistent with the objectives set by national indications and guidelines. Laboratory teaching and practical experience as a methodology for learning earth sciences: role and operational examples. The field as a laboratory study method on a natural scale. Didactic methodologies and technologies for studying the relationship of earth sciences with today's society: environmental education, sustainable use of geological resources, prevention of natural risks, conservation of cultural heritage. Analysis of didactic practices and of the teaching and learning processes of earth sciences mediated by the use of technologies, especially digital ones, with particular attention to the specific role of the teacher and to conceptual, epistemological, linguistic and didactic issues. Analysis of the effectiveness of multimedia didactic tools for the study of earth sciences. The above points are articulated within a path that follows the ministerial indications, that is the topics that can be addressed in the five years of the upper secondary school, in particular of the high schools, following a recursive logic, and in the lower secondary school degree. These topics are proposed using different methodologies, technologies and approaches and didactic projects. For each topic the founding nuclei of the discipline are recalled. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Power point of the teachers TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD FRANCO ELTER Ricevimento: agree directly with the teacher ANTONINO BRIGUGLIO ROBERTO CABELLA Ricevimento: The students are able to book an appointment by phone, by mail or by aulaweb LAURA CRISPINI Ricevimento: Contact Prof. Laura Crispini via e-mail ( to arrange an appointment. FRANCESCO FACCINI Ricevimento: The reception of students will be agreed directly with the lecturer by appointment. ROBERTO ANTIGA Exam Board FRANCO ELTER (President) ROBERTO ANTIGA ROBERTO CABELLA (President Substitute) FRANCESCO FACCINI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START second semester with time to be agreed with the students Class schedule METHODOLOGIES AND TECHNOLOGIES IN EARTH SCIENCE EDUCATION EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists in the presentation of a report on a subject of Earth Sciences and in the subsequent discussion with the Examining Commission. The report, organized on the basis of the examination, consists in the presentation of a report on a topic of Earth Sciences and in the subsequent discussion with the Examining Commission. The report, organized on the basis of a model available on the Aulaweb teaching website, must focus on a lesson, an exercise, or an outdoor activity that can be carried out in a single didactic intervention. For the realization of the report the student can use all the necessary material (texts, books, material from sites), provided that it is re-elaborated in a critical way. During the exam the basic concepts of Earth Sciences will be verified, especially in reference to the chosen topic. The proposal must take into account all the issues addressed in class (didactic approaches, methodologies, technologies). and a model available on the Aulaweb teaching website, must focus on a lesson, an exercise, or an outdoor activity that can be performed in a single didactic intervention. For the realization of the report the student can use all the necessary material (texts, books, material from sites), provided that it is re-elaborated in a critical way. During the exam the basic concepts of Earth Sciences will be verified, especially in reference to the chosen topic. The proposal must take into account all the issues addressed in class (didactic approaches, methodologies, technologies). ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam aims to: ascertain the student's knowledge of the founding nuclei of Earth Sciences, essential concepts in the teaching of Sciences in lower and upper secondary schools ascertain the student's ability to organize, describe and present a lesson, an exercise or an external teaching activity (proposed through a written report of Earth Sciences, accompanied by a power point presentation) and calibrated for the type of school and for the class proposed by the student himself; ascertain mastery of the proposed topic; ascertain the knowledge of the basic concepts of disciplinary teaching and the ability to use the teaching methodologies and teaching technologies proposed in class, applying them to Earth Sciences; ascertain the ability to collect existing material for the organization of teaching units; ascertain the ability to know how to relate the arguments proposed with the current company. The assessment will also take into account the ability of exposure, the correctness of language and the correct use of scientific terms. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 15/06/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale 05/07/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale 26/07/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale 30/08/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale 05/09/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale 21/09/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale