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CODE 57416
SEMESTER 1° Semester


The course aims to offer a general overview of cultural anthropology and intercultural mediation, through the analysis of their methodological tools and their main thematic fields. Special attention will be put on the possible contribution given by cultural anthropology to social workers in their different settings.  





The aim of this course is to introduce students to the knowledge of the key-concepts of anthropology, its research methods and its main sub-fields. Special attention will be paid to the contribution of anthropology to the analysis of intercultural mediation and to the activity of social workers.


The course aims to provide students with a general knowledge of the main anthropological theories and methodological perspectives and to facilitate the integration of an anthropological approach  into the professional practice of social work .

The purpose of the course is particularly to encourage the anthropological analysis of the following topics:

  • Culture, cultural diversity, cultural relativism
  • Identity, “race”, ethnic group
  • Family and kinship
  • Sex and gender
  • Body, embodiment, illness/sickness/disease
  • Pure/impure, contamination, risk perception
  • Myth, rite, cult
  • Language and communication
  • Economic and political systems
  • Migration

and also to introduce the student to the role, skills and functions of the cultural-linguistic mediators in their different settings.

The participation to lessons and individual study will allow students to:

identify, understand and remember the main theoretical and methodological perspectives of cultural anthropology and intercultural mediation;

read and analyse anthropological texts, making autonomous, critical and independent judgements;

apply the theoretical and methodological tools of cultural anthropology to the close contexts, with special reference to the professional field of social work;

use appropriately the anthropological terminology in the analysis of specific socio-cultural contexts and phenomena;

deconstruct the supposed “natural” dimension of notions like identity, culture, sex, body, family,  by valuating their conventional and cultural dimension. 




The course ((36 hours, 6 CFU) will be organized in accordance with the University provisions concerning Covid pandemic and will include different teaching methods (lectures, instant polls, chat, audiovisual material, group discussions). The attendance is not mandatory, but highly recommended.




The course will be divided into two didactic units. The first one will be focused on the key concepts of the discipline, its methodological tools, its theoretical paradigms, its main research sub-fields. Special attention will be paid to the study of the different settings and processes of intercultural mediation. Selected topics concerning the anthropological debate on COVID 19 pandemic will be discussed: risk perception, pure/impure, representations of danger and vulnerability responsability and stigmatization, practices of prevention and confinement.The second didactic unit will be centred on the anthropology of migration, with special reference to the dynamics of social, political, economic exclusion and violence. 




For the first didactic unit:

1) B. D. Miller, Antropologia culturale, edited by Alessandra Broccolini, Milano, Pearson, 2019, 2nd ed.  (chapters from 1 to 10 and 12).

2) n. 2 essays selected among the ones included in the monographic issue "Mondi Migranti" (1/2012), entitled "Sulla mediazione interculturale", edited by Lorenzo Luatti and Andrea T. Torre (fulltext available at Casalini Torrossa Journals, Catalogo Uno per Tutto - Unige​)

For the second didactic unit:

B. Harrell-Bond, L’esperienza dei rifugiati in quanto beneficiari d’aiuto, Annuario di Antropologia, V, 2005 (Rifugiati), n. 5, pp. 15-48, (

B. Sorgoni, Chiedere asilo. Racconti, traduzioni, trascrizioni, Annuario di Antropologia, XV, 2013 (Migrazioni e Asilo Politico), pp. 131-151 (

S. Castellani, Crisi e risorse familiari: processi di riproduzione e agency tra giovani figli di ecuadoriani a Genova, Mondi Migranti, 2/2014, pp. 83-104 (fulltext available at Casalini Torrossa Journals, Catalogo Uno per Tutto - Unige)


Non attenders

For the first didactic unit:

1) B. D. Miller, Antropologia culturale, edited by Alessandra Broccolini, Milano, Pearson, 2019, 2nd ed.  (chapters from 1 to 10 and from 12 to 13).

2) n. 3 essays selected among the ones included in the monographic issue "Mondi Migranti" (1/2012), entitled "Sulla mediazione interculturale", edited by Lorenzo Luatti and Andrea T. Torre (fulltext available at Casalini Torrossa Journals, Catalogo Uno per Tutto - Unige​)

For the second didactic unit:

B. Harrell-Bond, L’esperienza dei rifugiati in quanto beneficiari d’aiuto, Annuario di Antropologia, V, 2005 (Rifugiati), n. 5, pp. 15-48, (

A. Brivio, La città che esclude. Immigrazione e appropriazione dello spazio pubblico a Milano, Annuario di Antropologia, XV, 2013 (Migrazioni e Asilo Politico), pp. 39-62 (

B. Sorgoni, Chiedere asilo. Racconti, traduzioni, trascrizioni, Annuario di Antropologia, XV, 2013 (Migrazioni e Asilo Politico), pp. 131-151 (

O. Costantini, “Quando sono partito io”. Memoria individuale e memoria collettiva nei racconti di viaggio dei rifugiati eritrei, Archivio antropologico Mediterraneo, anno XV (2012), n. 14 (2), pp. 43-54 (

S. Castellani, Crisi e risorse familiari: processi di riproduzione e agency tra giovani figli di ecuadoriani a Genova, Mondi Migranti, 2/2014, pp. 83-104 (fulltext available at Casalini Torrossa Journals, Catalogo Uno per Tutto - Unige)





Exam Board





I semester 



The oral exam will be focused on the topics and the bibliography indicated. For the attenders it will be possible to arrange an intermediate written exam concerning the topics discussed during the lessons and the texts indicated in the syllabus in the first didactic unit. This written exam will take place, indicatively, during the first week of December. The average between the score of the written exam and the score of the oral exam (concerning in these case only the second didactic unit) will be the final score.

Differentiated syllabi can be arranged with the professor by Erasmus students.




The oral exam and the possible intermediate written exam aim to verify the correct acquisition of the theoretical and methodological contents of the course. The communication skills and the property of language will be considered as relevant evaluation criteria, together with the ability to use the proper anthropological terminology.

The examination will test the ability to identify, summarize in own words and analyse the key concepts discussed during the lessons, apply anthropological concepts and tools to the analysis of socio-cultural context and phenomena, with particular reference to the professional context of social work. 

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
11/12/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale
08/01/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale
22/01/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale
03/06/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale
17/06/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale
09/09/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale