CODE 66888 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 1 ASSISTENZA SANITARIA 11477 (L/SNT4) - GENOVA 2 cfu anno 1 TECNICA DELLA RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA 9286 (L/SNT2) - GENOVA 2 cfu anno 1 TERAPIA DELLA NEURO E PSICOMOTRICITA' DELL'ETA' EVOL 9287 (L/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/16 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ANATOMY-HISTOLOGY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The lectures of Neuroanatomy (2 CFU, 20 hours) are held in the first semester of the first year, approximately starting from mid-November. AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The lectures of Neuroanatomy aim to provide students with adequate knowledge on the Nervous System organization that allow them to understand its normal physiology and the pathologies that may arise from the impairment of its normal function. The goal of the lectures is to provide the knowledge of the different structures of the nervous system and the understanding of how they are interconnected for a correct functioning. The understanding of the issues discussed during the lectures should allow the students to deepen specific neuroanatomy issues autonomously. TEACHING METHODS The teaching activity is organized in lectures for a total amount of time of 20 hours. During these lectures all the issues the student has to know for the final exam will be explained and discussed with the help of visual aids. SYLLABUS/CONTENT General organization of the nervous system The meninges The ventricular system General topographic concepts (sub/supratentorial, intra/extra-axial) Introduction to the telecephalon: the main anatomic landmarks (central sulcus, silvian fissure, parieto-occipital sulcus, cingulate sulcus), the cerebral cortex The main anatomo-functional landmarks of the telencephalon The central sulcus (omega sign, Dalì sign, hook sign, L sign, gyral and cortical thickness) Functional organization of the telencephalon: Motor homunculus and sensory homunculus Primary motor area Primary somato-sensory area Primary visual area Language areas Primary auditory area The limbic system Organization of the white matter (projection, association and comissural fibers) The basal ganglia The diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, and brief notes on epithalamus and subthalamus) Introduction to the brainstem The brainstem (midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata): external structure and internal structure The cranial nerves (function, course and location of the main nuclei) The cerebellum (anatomy of the posterior fossa, anatomic and functional structure of cerebellum) The spinal cord (external and internal structure) The main ascending and descending systems: Efferent (lateral cortico-spinal tract and anterior cortico-spinal tract) Afferent (medial lemnicus tract and spino-thalamic tract) Vasculature of the nervous system: supra-aortic trunks, intracranial arterial system (circle of Willis), intracranial venous system (deep and superficial venous systems). RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY G.J. Tortora, M.T. Nielsen - Principi di Anatomia Umana – Editrice Ambrosiana Fitzgerald, Neuroanatomia, Edra TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SILVIA BRUNO Ricevimento: The professor receives the students after previous appointment (write an email to LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral exam ASSESSMENT METHODS During the exam, the knowledge and understanding of the structures of the human nervous system and how they work together, as well as the communication skills used by the student, will be assessed.