CODE 65155 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 8 cfu anno 2 ARCHITECTURAL COMPOSITION 11120 (LM-4) - GENOVA 8 cfu anno 1 DESIGN PRODOTTO EVENTO 11440 (LM-12) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 3 FILOSOFIA 8455 (L-5) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 1 FILOSOFIA 8455 (L-5) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 2 LETTERE 8457 (L-10) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 3 LETTERE 8457 (L-10) - GENOVA 8 cfu anno 1 ARCHITECTURAL COMPOSITION 11120 (LM-4) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-FIL/04 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Aesthetics and its main themes are introduced. To this end, the relationship of aesthetics with other areas of philosophy is considered and the fundamental aesthetic notions are analyzed (in particular those of experience, judgment, value). Art is considered as an exemplary aesthetic domain. The role of perception, conceptualization and knowledge in the appreciation of works of art is highlighted. The method and cultural functions of art history and art criticism are investigated. Finally, the research extends from the canonical visual arts to the cinema. Reading of papers or book chapters are meant to create awareness of the debates that characterize contemporary aesthetics. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to introduce the fundamental concepts and issues of aesthetics. It aims at the understanding and critical analysis of the specificity of aesthetic judgment, the character of the experience on which this judgment is based, as well as the predicates it mobilizes (beautiful, sublime etc.) and the objects (artistic, technical, natural) to which it applies. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES It is expected that students will be able to make use of the concept of aesthetics and related notions, in particular that of art. Students shall be able to identify the contributions of perception, conceptualization and knowledge to artistic appreciation. They are meant to reflect on critical and historiographical practices concerning art. The expected learning outcomes are as follows: 1) To provide an appropriate characterization of aesthetics as a philosophical discipline and of the importance of the aesthetic dimension in human existence. 2) To master the fundamental notions of the discipline such as aesthetic experience, aesthetic judgment, aesthetic value, aesthetic property, aesthetic object. 3) To be aware of debates about the definition of art and the ontological status of works of art. 4) To relate aesthetics to the practices of creating and appreciating art. 5) To identify the role of perception, conceptualization and knowledge in the appreciation of works of art. 6) To consider methods and functions of art history and art criticism. 7) To extend the research from the canonical visual arts to the cinema. 8) To critically read texts relating to debates on contemporary aesthetics, identifying theses and arguments. 9) Acquire a greater ability to manage their social interactions with a collaborative attitude, constructive communication and dialogical skills. 10) Demonstrate work autonomy, ability to manage primary literature, argumentative ability and collaborative, coordination and negotiation attitude. PREREQUISITES Although the class is taught in Italian, understanding of texts written in English is required TEACHING METHODS Teaching in presence The class consists of 60 hours (40 for students having 6 or 8 credits), with phases of collective discussion and learning verification. There will be seminar activities for 9-credit students. The course will alternate lectures held by the teacher with presentations in class held by the attending students. SYLLABUS/CONTENT 6 or 8 credits: – Aesthetics in the framework of philosophy – The centrality of the aesthetic dimension of human existence – The fundamental notions of aesthetics: experience, judgment, value, norm, property, object – Art as an exemplary field of aesthetics – The question of the definition of art – The ontology of art – Seeing and knowing: the role of perception, conceptualization and knowledge in the appreciation of art – Methods and functions of art history and criticism – The transition from canonical visual arts to cinema Additional program items for 9 credits: – Methods of writing and publishing in contemporary aesthetics – The main debates in contemporary aesthetics – The methodology of argument in contemporary aesthetics RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 CFU: ELISA CALDAROLA, Arte e illusione di Ernst H. Gombrich. Una lettura filosofica, CLEUP ERWIN PANOFSKY, Il significato nelle arti visive, Einaudi (Introduzione, Parte Prima, Parte quarta, Parte settima). MARIO DE CARO & ENRICO TERRONE, I valori al cinema: una prospettiva etico-estetica, Mondadori (Parte Prima e Parte Seconda) Supplementary text for students who cannot attend the classes: ANDREA PINOTTI (a cura di), Il primo libro di estetica, Einaudi 8 CFU: ELISA CALDAROLA, Arte e illusione di Ernst H. Gombrich. Una lettura filosofica, CLEUP ERWIN PANOFSKY, Il significato nelle arti visive, Einaudi (Introduzione, Parte Prima, Parte quarta, Parte settima). MARIO DE CARO & ENRICO TERRONE, I valori al cinema: una prospettiva etico-estetica, Mondadori (Parte Prima e Parte Seconda) Supplementary text for students who cannot attend the classes: ANDREA PINOTTI (a cura di), Il primo libro di estetica, Einaudi 9 CFU: ELISA CALDAROLA, Arte e illusione di Ernst H. Gombrich. Una lettura filosofica, CLEUP ERWIN PANOFSKY, Il significato nelle arti visive, Einaudi (Prefazione: “97 Battle Road”, Introduzione, Parte Prima, Parte quarta, Parte settima). MARIO DE CARO & ENRICO TERRONE, I valori al cinema: una prospettiva etico-estetica, Mondadori Supplementary text for students who cannot attend the classes: ANDREA PINOTTI (a cura di), Il primo libro di estetica, Einaudi TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ENRICO TERRONE Ricevimento: Please write to the Professor to set an appointment Exam Board ENRICO TERRONE (President) MARIA SILVIA VACCAREZZA FEDERICO ZUOLO (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START 6 March 2024 Class schedule AESTETHICS EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam concerns both the content presented and discussed in class and the content of the reference texts. Attending students will have the possibility to present a work of their own during the classes. ASSESSMENT METHODS During the class, the active participation of students is encouraged and valued while discussing particular aspects of the program. The final test will allow to assess the level of understanding the philosophical ideas that has been thought, the mastery of them and the ability to present them, as well as the disposition for critical analysis of theses and arguments, and the propensity to their construction. The student who shows understanding of the basic notions and issues of the discipline, and presents them clearly and coherently, but only in their essential lines, is assessed as “sufficient”. The student who masters the basic notions and issues of the discipline and is able to analyze them is assessed as “good”. The student who, in addition to mastering the basic notions and issues of the discipline, and being able to analyze them, also proves to be inclined to the construction of original theses and arguments is assessed as “outstanding”. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 16/01/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 30/01/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 06/05/2024 10:00 GENOVA Orale 27/05/2024 10:00 GENOVA Orale 10/06/2024 10:00 GENOVA Orale 25/06/2024 10:00 GENOVA Orale 02/09/2024 10:00 GENOVA Orale Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education