CODE 97215 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 2 INGEGNERIA CIVILE 10799 (LM-23) - GENOVA 5 cfu anno 2 ENGINEERING FOR BUILDING RETROFITTING 10719 (LM-24) - GENOVA 5 cfu anno 2 INGEGNERIA EDILE - ARCHITETTURA 9914 (LM-4) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ICAR/09 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course aims to illustrate the criteria to be adopted in the strengthening of existing buildings, highlighting the different approach that must be followed with respect to the design of a new structure. In particular, the design choices must derive from adequate knowledge and diagnosis (learned in more detail during the "Structural assessment and safety of existing buildings") and must have a clear objective in terms of performance. The different techniques available will then be illustrated, with reference to both masonry and reinforced concrete buildings. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Classification of structural retrofitting interventions on existing buildings: maintenance, damage repair, local interventions, overall strengthening. Strategies for the choice of interventions: force versus deformation capacity, reversibility, durability, cost-benefit analysis. From the diagnosis to the design of interventions (monitoring, provisional works). Conceptual classification of strengthening techniques: traditional solutions versus use of innovative materials. Masonry buildings: foundations; masonry walls (cracks repair, widespread strengthening, improvement of connections); arches and vaults; floors and roof (bending strengthening, diaphragm effect); local interventions (creation of new openings or framing of existing ones); seismic improvement. Reinforced concrete structures: restoration of concrete; reinforcement of elements and nodes with composite materials; dissipative bracings; selective weakening and use fuse (elements of sacrifice). AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course is organized by alternating lectures and practical exercises, favoring the student's work and therefore trying to use a "learning by doing" approach. At the end of the course, as a result of learning, students will be able to deal with the concrete problems of consolidation, solving them independently. TEACHING METHODS Frontal theoretical lessons Guided exercises carried out by the teacher Students with learning disorders will be allowed to use specific modalities and supports that will be determined on a case-by-case basis in agreement with the delegate of the Engineering courses in the Committee for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Structural safety of buildings: from “trial & errors” approach to engineered structures; examples of collapses (gothic cathedrals, San Marco bell tower in Venice, Civic Tower in Pavia, Noto Cathedral, Assisi and the earthquakes, …); other causes (fire in Notre Dame, lightning); examples of wrong interventions; the importance of monitoring and maintenance; diagnosis and interventions; classification of interventions in terms of aim (maintenance, damage repair, strengthening (improvement), retrofitting). Structural assessment of existing buildings in codes: when it is necessary: proved errors, accelerated decay, change of use, damage, natural events; difference between design and assessment; mandatory rules versus recommendations; the probabilistic approach: reference time and nominal life of the building; qualitative versus quantitative approach; optimization of intervention: safety, conservation and cost; conservation issues: reversibility, non-invasiveness, authenticity and durability; classification of interventions in terms of functionality: substitution of ineffective elements, integration with new elements, integration with new structural systems, new structure. Masonry buildings The structural system: brief historical notes on the structural details and the use of materials; evolution of masonry (constitutive elements and arrangement); mechanics of masonry as a composite material (homogenization, equivalent properties, local failure criteria); mechanics of masonry elements. Limit analysis of masonry structures: rigid blocks and kinematic constraints; the use of safe (static) and unsafe (kinematic) theorems; application to arches, vaults and domes; the effect of friction; the influence of crushing. Provisional interventions: classification in terms of aim (supporting, restraining, wrapping, ecc.); traditional and innovative solutions; design criteria; examples. Strengthening of foundations: Repair of cracks: Strengthening of masonry: Improvement of connections: between masonry walls; connection of horizontal diaphragms to masonry walls; in-plane stiffening of horizontal diaphragms. Strengthening of horizontal floors: Strengthening of vaults and domes: Integration of the structural system to horizontal actions: Reinforced concrete buildings The structural system: brief historical notes on the evolution of structural systems and details; material properties and deterioration; seismic vulnerability of pre-code r.c. buildings. Repair of cracks and deterioration: Strengthening of r.c. elements: beton-plaquè; use of FRP; innovative solutions Integration of the structural system: adding r.c. walls (by filling void in the frame or strengthening masonry infills); adding bracing elements (also with passive or semi-active devices); putting beside a new structural system for horizontal actions Base isolation RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Course notes, available on AulaWeb. Recording of the lessons on Teams. M. Pisani. Consolidamento delle strutture. Hoepli. 2008. S. Mastrodicasa. Dissesti statici delle strutture edilizie. Hoepli. 1993. M. Como. Statica delle costruzioni storiche in muratura. Aracne. 2015 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SERGIO LAGOMARSINO Ricevimento: Students are invited to contact the teacher via email ( or Teams Exam Board SERGIO LAGOMARSINO (President) SERENA CATTARI FEDERICA TUBINO LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The oral exam consists in the discussion on two of the main themes of the program developed in the course and indicated in the learning outcomes. ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment will concern: capacity to express the contents with clarity and precision of terminology capacity to link the oral discussion to the topics discussed in the program capacity to synthesize and critically discuss the applied procedure and the results obtained from the practical exercises Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 16/01/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale We can meet at the entrance hall of DICCA, close to Room A7 14/02/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale The exam will be in Room A13, at 9:00. We can meet in the entrance hall of DICCA, close to Room A7. 04/06/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 10/07/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 03/09/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale Ci vediamo nell'atrio del DICCA, vicino all'Aula A7 FURTHER INFORMATION All course information is given in the classroom, through Aulaweb or on Teams. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Decent work and economic growth Sustainable cities and communities