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CODE 60047
SECTIONING Questo insegnamento è diviso nelle seguenti frazioni:
  • A
  • B
  • C



    "Course description The English course (72 hours over two terms) is made up of classes held by three lecturers. Those students who need to comply with the entry requirements (B1/PET English Certificate) can attend a 60-hour distance-learning course provided by CLAT (the university language centre) and supervised by a tutor. Click here for further information. All students are required to sign up for the course on the Aulaweb ( both to gain access to all materials and get updates from lecturers. The lecturers’ course is an upper-intermediate one and is offered to undergraduates who already have a good knowledge of English. Credits: 9 credits. Available as a 5/6-credit course for Erasmus students only and upon agreement."


    Lessons will be held eclusively in person in the classroom. The goal of teaching is to strengthen reading and listening skills and reinforce the communicative skills acquired during previous study of the English language. Focus will be put on understanding current English social, economic and political issues, working on different text typologies, to enable students to engage with native and non-native speakers in an English-speaking environment. In order to do so students will work on a folder containing selected texts (articles, essays, excerpts from books and manuals - all materials are available online on the Aulaweb course page). Emphasis will also be placed on critical reading (a closer text analysis for unveiling meaning at a deeper or metaphorical level within a text) and critical thinking (the ability to compare and contrast information and ideas from different sources). Students will be divided into 3 groups based on students’ surname initials (A-D; E-O; P-Z).


    All texts – i.e. newspaper and magazine articles, excerpts from books and manuals,

    reccomended reports and essays - are ready for download on the Aulaweb resources (


    Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use. Intermediate, Cambridge

    University Press (latest edition);

    Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, Oxford University Press, (latest edition); an English learners' dictionary, e.g. Concise Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press;

    For online pronunciation, see amongst others


    Exam Board






    Sem: I : 19th September - 16 December

    Sem II :

    First Day of Class: Wednesday, 5th October

    Office Hours: immediately after class (in the classroom) or by appointment in the Docenti Lingue office  (2nd floor).  For an appointment email:

    Class schedule

    The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



    Oral exam following a written part assessing the students' entry level (see below for further details)

    Assessment criteria: listening comprehension (the student understands the questions asked by the lecturer) effective reporting of content, critical reading skills, extensive knowledge and use of ESP (English for Specific purposes) terms, adequate pronunciation


    Course entry requirements:

    Students who do not comply with the entry requirements (B1/PET English Certificate) can  attend  a  60-hour  distance-learning  course  provided  by  CLAT  (the  university language                     centre)        and       supervised       by       a       tutor.       Click       here for further information. Students who comply with the entry requirements (ESOL certificate or CLAT B1 online course and test) have to enrol online using their UNIGE credentials for the final oral exam. On passing the final exam, students are awarded 9 credits and a mark out of 30 (minimum pass mark 18/30). Erasmus exchange programme students can choose to take a 5/6-credit exam but need to contact and get approval from lecturers first.


    Exam schedule

    Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
    18/12/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale
    22/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale
    05/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale Please follow the instructions below before sending any email asking me about the exam. Any email I receive about any of the information covered below will go unanswered. 1) On the date of the exam, please enter the exam room 15 minutes before the official start of the exam. The exam room will be visible in the Economics building on the computer monitors. I do not know the room ahead of time. You will need to have proof that you have a B1 level of English. Proof of English language level can be any of the following: An UNIGE-accepted certificate (no older than 3 years). Proof of passing the UNIGE online B1 test no more than 3 years before the exam. *No student lacking proof of having a B1 level of English will be examined. 2) 15 minutes before the official start of the exam, I will identify those students with SIGNED WORK PERMITS who will be examined FIRST. The others will receive a time in which they are to be examined as I take roll call. Since students may enroll for the exam and simply not show up I CANNOT PREDICT WHAT TIME (OR EVEN DAY) A STUDENT WILL BE EXAMINED before the roll call. Any student who is assigned a time slot that clashes with another exam can be moved LATER than the original time slot but NOT BEFORE, to respect the order of enrollment, and to respect all the other students. 3) All students should use the course program (syllabus) from the year they took the course IF POSSIBLE. If, however, you took the course earlier, 2019-20, for example, the syllabus is no longer available so please use the latest syllabus. 4) I will choose one of our +/- 30 articles at random and ask the student to have a conversation with me about it. I do not welcome long monologues but rather a back-and-forth conversation about our article. Any student who finds him/herself unprepared to talk about the article I choose fails the exam and is welcomed to re-take it (after a lot of studying) at the next appello. No student will be given a different article to talk about if he/she is unprepared for the one I have chosen. 5) In the unfortunate event a student fails the exam due to LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE TEXT he/she is asked to speak about, he/she may retry the exam at the next appello within the same exam session. If, however, he/she fails the exam due to a LACK OF ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH at the B1 level, the "SALTO D'APPELLO" goes into effect. There are no exceptions for this. The reason is that it takes a lot more time and effort to improve one's English language skills than it does to remember details about the texts.
    26/05/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale Please follow the instructions below before sending any email asking me about the exam. Any email I receive about any of the information covered below will go unanswered. 1) On the date of the exam, please enter the exam room 15 minutes before the official start of the exam. The exam room will be visible in the Economics building on the computer monitors. I do not know the room ahead of time. You will need to have proof that you have a B1 level of English. Proof of English language level can be any of the following: An UNIGE-accepted certificate (no older than 3 years). Proof of passing the UNIGE online B1 test no more than 3 years before the exam. *No student lacking proof of having a B1 level of English will be examined. 2) 15 minutes before the official start of the exam, I will identify those students with SIGNED WORK PERMITS who will be examined FIRST. The others will receive a time in which they are to be examined as I take roll call. Since students may enroll for the exam and simply not show up I CANNOT PREDICT WHAT TIME (OR EVEN DAY) A STUDENT WILL BE EXAMINED before the roll call. Any student who is assigned a time slot that clashes with another exam can be moved LATER than the original time slot but NOT BEFORE, to respect the order of enrollment, and to respect all the other students. 3) All students should use the course program (syllabus) from the year they took the course IF POSSIBLE. If, however, you took the course earlier, 2019-20, for example, the syllabus is no longer available so please use the latest syllabus. 4) I will choose one of our +/- 30 articles at random and ask the student to have a conversation with me about it. I do not welcome long monologues but rather a back-and-forth conversation about our article. Any student who finds him/herself unprepared to talk about the article I choose fails the exam and is welcomed to re-take it (after a lot of studying) at the next appello. No student will be given a different article to talk about if he/she is unprepared for the one I have chosen. 5) In the unfortunate event a student fails the exam due to LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE TEXT he/she is asked to speak about, he/she may retry the exam at the next appello within the same exam session. If, however, he/she fails the exam due to a LACK OF ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH at the B1 level, the "SALTO D'APPELLO" goes into effect. There are no exceptions for this. The reason is that it takes a lot more time and effort to improve one's English language skills than it does to remember details about the texts.
    09/06/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale
    23/06/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale
    11/09/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale


    Attendance Strongly recommended.