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CODE 98253
SEMESTER 2° Semester


This course consists of two modules:

  • a linguistic module, which aims at providing the student with the basic linguistic knowledge related to modern Chinese through the gradual learning of the communication functions and the elementary lexicon in the areas of: spoken, listening comprehension, reading and writing;
  • a module on contemporary China, which aims at proving the student with the specific notions and knowledge that are necessary in order to understand the complex reality of contemporary China, through an analysis of the major economic, poltical and socio-cultural dynamics which, through the process of "reforms and opening up", led the country to a protagonist role in the international scene. Particular attention will be dedicated to the investigation of topics related to intercultural communication with the Chinese, in the economic and marketing fields. 

The module is opened to 40 students only.



Introduction to the modern Chinese language (putonghua) written and spoken: phonetics, writing, grammar and syntax, conversation / Level A1 of the common European reference framework for the knowledge of languages (understanding and using expressions of daily use, possessing a basic vocabulary, present yourself and others, meet basic communication needs) and be able to continue studying the language.


The linguistic module will provide the student with the basic knowledge of the phonology, lexicon, morphology and syntax of modern Chinese. The learning process will take into account the guidelinges of the Chinese Proficency Grading Standard (approved in 2021) and aims at reaching the first grade of elementary level (equal to Level A1 of the CEFR). On completion of the module the student will be able to illustrate the different grammatical categories and structures, and use them to create simple sentences to be used in daily contexts and conversiations, thanks to the acquisition of 300 Chinese characters. The student will learn the key notions of modern Chinese through the study of phonology and tones, morphology and syntax, as well as writing and the relations between these different linguistic realms.

The course also aims to provide cultural knowledge on topics related to history, geography, society, philosophy, economics, and politics useful to facilitate inter-company relations with Chinese companies, being aware of how cultural factors influence communication . The aim of the course is to stimulate the acquisition of communication skills at a linguistic level and an understanding of Chinese culture that can be useful in various work situations.

The module on contemporary China will illustrate several aspects – economic, political, socio-cultural – of post-reform China, in a diachronic and multidisciplinary perspective. Students will gain specific notions and skills required to understand in-depth the evolution of the Country into a world economic power, taking into account both its traditional heritage (as well as revolutionary) and its future challenges. Moreover, the students will develop specific skills in the economic and marketing fields, which will be useful in order to communicate and negotiate with the Chinese in a successful way. 


Prerequisites are not required


The course consists of 48 hours of lectures, organised as follows:  

- Prof. Pisano: 24 hours of language acquisition of modern Chinese;

- Prof. Puppin: 24 hours of knowledge acquisition on contemporary China (culture, society, politics, and economy). 

Attendance is mandatory (at least 80% of total hours).


The linguistic module includes an introduction to the study of modern Chinese: phonology, morphology, syntax and writing system. Ways of greeting and making introductions. Expressions used in conventional conversations (for example, nationality, age, etc.) and daily interactions.

The module on contemporary China includes a critical overview of the crucial evolutionary phases and events from an historical, political, economic and socio-cultural point of view. Particular attention will be dedicated to the analysis of elements of continuity and change as regards the traditional and revolutionary cultural heritage, which are fundamental in order to understand contemporary China, also in a business-oriented perspective. Contents will be organised in a diachronic and thematic way, and they will be presented, explained and analysed also via the use of audiovisual materials.  

On completion of the course, the student will be able to take the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), level 1. HSK is an international exam that certifies the knowledge of Chinese language and is open for non native speakers. During the course, all the infos related to this exam and additional materials will be provided. 


For the linguistic module: Masini, Romagnoli, Zhang, Chang, Comunicare in cinese, volume 1. Milano, Hoepli, 2021.

For the module on contemporary China: Castorina, Miriam. La cultura cinese. Manuale di mediazione linguistica. Milano, Hoepli, 2011.

Additional materials will be presented during the lectures and will be made available on the AulaWeb page of the course. 


Exam Board





Second semester. The module is opened to 40 students only, who can enroll in autumn (on AulaWeb) following the principle of "first comes first served".


Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



The final exam consists of two parts, namely:

  • a written test – quiz – related to the module on contemporary China. This part will address the topics explained and investigated during the lectures and at home, through the reading of the manual indicated in the bibliography and the additional materials. The aim is to verify the acquisition of notions, specific skills, ability to contextualise the themes addressed during the module;
  • an oral exam related to the linguistic module. This part will verify: the acquisition of the fundamental notions related to the morphology and syntax of modern Chinese addressed during the lectures; the communication skills; the ability to read a simple text.  

In order to take the final exam, students need to attend at least 80% of the lectures.


The two parts of the final exam will take place on the same day, and the written exam (quiz) will preceed the oral exam. In order to access the oral exam, students have to pass the written exam (quiz). 

Both parts of the final exam need to be taken during the same round (appello).



To the students who hold a certification of specific learning disorders, disability or other educational requirements: please send an email to the lecturers at the beginning of the course, in order to discuss beforehand the best teaching and exam methods that, in alignment with the intended learning objectives, will take into account your specific needs and will provide suitable compensatory tools.

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