CODE 68745 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 1 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - CHIAVARI 2 cfu anno 1 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - PIETRA LIGURE 2 cfu anno 1 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - LA SPEZIA 2 cfu anno 1 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - GE SAN MARTINO 1 cfu anno 1 TECNICHE ORTOPEDICHE 9297 (L/SNT3) - GENOVA 2 cfu anno 1 TECNICHE DI NEUROFISIOPATOLOGIA 11757 (L/SNT3) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/16 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION CHIAVARI PIETRA LIGURE LA SPEZIA GE SAN MARTINO GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ANATOMY-HISTOLOGY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The teaching of Neuroanatomy (2 CFU, 20 hours) is held in the first semester of the first year of the course indicatively starting from the first fortnight of November. AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching of Neuroanatomy aims to provide students with an adequate knowledge of the central and peripheral nervous system both anatomically and functionally, and its relationship with the structures of the locomotor system that are presented during the course. The ultimate goal of the course is to provide students with a good understanding of the different structures of the nervous system and how they are interconnected for proper functioning. The comprehension of the topics covered in class will allow the student to deepen further specific topics in complete autonomy. TEACHING METHODS The teaching activity will consist of 20 hours of lectures, during which, with the use of visual aids, will be illustrated and discussed with the students all the topics that require knowledge at the time of the final examination. SYLLABUS/CONTENT General organization of the nervous system. Meninges and cavities. The spinal cord: external and internal configuration. Organization of gray matter and white matter. Brain stem: external and internal configuration. Main nuclei of the bulb (gracile nucleus, cuneate nucleus, inferior olivar nucleus), of the bridge (nuclei proper to the bridge) and of the midbrain (red nucleus, black substance). The quadrigemine plate. The reticular formation. Cerebellum organization: external and internal configuration. Cerebellar nuclei and cortex. Diencephalus: organization of the thalamus, subthalamic, hypothalamus and epithalamus. Telencephalon: external configuration (lobes, cleavages and gyrus). Structure of the telencephalic cortex. Telencephalic nuclei. Organization of the white substance. Generality on the limbic system. Functional subdivision of the telencephalon (associative, sensitive, effector, language areas). Internal configuration of the telencephalon: white matter, telencephalic nuclei. Afferent systems. The receptors of external and proprioceptive sensitivity. The pathways of general sensitivity (spino-bulbo-thalamus-cortical pathways, spino-cerebellar pathways, spino-thalamus-cortical pathways). Specific sensitivity pathways: optical pathways (direct, reflex), vestibular pathways, acoustic pathways. Effector systems. Motor control pathways: pyramidal and non-pyramidal pathways (definition of base nuclei). Peripheral nervous system: spinal nerves Posterior and posterior branches of the spinal nerves and organization of the main plexi Peripheral nervous system: encephalic nerves and relationship with the nuclei of the brain stem. Sympathetic nervous system. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY CINTI, GIORDANO - Neuroanatomia, EdiErmes TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD DANIELE SAVERINO Ricevimento: Students are receives by appointment (to make the request write to TIZIANO TAMBURINI ELISA PELOSIN Ricevimento: MARTINA PUTZOLU LESSONS LESSONS START The lessons will start in the first semester in accordance with the didactic calendar Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral examination. ASSESSMENT METHODS During the exam will be evaluated the communicative skills of the student, through which he will have to demonstrate to know the different structures of the nervous system treated in class and to have understood the anatomical-functional relationships. The student to pass the exam, then report a grade of not less than 18/30. For this module, students must demonstrate: • Knowing the basics of the neuroanatomy • Describe and recognizing the morphology and role of the organs of the nervous system • Apply the knowledge acquired to the anatomical/functional role of the physiotherapist According to article L.170/10 'New rules on specific learning disabilities in schools', active support services for students with a specific learning disorder through il Settore Servizi di supporto alla disabilità e agli studenti con DSA are active. Contact person Prof. Nicola Girtler ( FURTHER INFORMATION In case of certification of specific learning disability, disability or other special educational needs, please contact both the Department contact person, Prof. Nicola Girtler, and the lecturer at the beginning of the lectures to agree on teaching and exam methods which, in compliance of the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory/dispensatory tools recognized by the University SLD Student Service. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Good health and well being Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth