CODE 104292 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 3 CONSERVAZIONE DEI BENI CULTURALI 8453 (L-1) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 1 METODOLOGIE FILOSOFICHE 8465 (LM-78) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-ART/02 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Scientific Dissemination has in fact become one of the three 'missions' of the Italian University. To date, however - especially in relation to the artistic heritage and, in general, in relation to the humanities - there is little clear idea of the role of professionals (art historians, archaeologists, archivists, etc.) in the telling and mediation of their specific knowledge to an increasingly broader and more accessible public, thanks also to digital media. This course, one of the first in Italy, aims to clarify the role and dignity of scientific dissemination and to propose itineraries and methods to build professional figures who can respond to these fundamental needs with unquestionable quality, emerging from the context of research and confronting teaching methodologies with reference to the Italian and Ligurian artistic heritage. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to compare the methods of acquisition, management and communication of the concepts deriving from scientific research relating to the artistic heritage through the different channels available today (from the technological multimedia, to the narration in presence, to the planning and management of cultural events), with particular attention to the care and construction of a series of skills useful for the training of professionals capable of interacting in the field of wide-ranging cultural planning. It also aims to provide students with skills in the field of teaching methodologies and technologies useful for teaching art history in schools. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES - Understanding and knowledge of the cognitive itinerary underlying the valorisation/dissemination initiatives and of the "triad" Research, Education, Dissemination. - Capacity for group confrontation, autonomous elaboration of content and reconstruction of phenomena from bibliographical indications and visits. - Knowledge and awareness of the potential offered by digital communication. - Acquisition of languages and methods for scientific dissemination. - Understanding of issues relating to the use and misuse of the artistic and cultural heritage, in relation to the concept of 'valorisation'. - Ability to elaborate didactic itineraries and scientific dissemination operations. During the course, the writing of high-level popularisation texts will be proposed, as well as the presentation of the same in the presence of the class during the visit to specific monumental sites. It will also be offered to write a scientific text on one of the sites or works visited, agreed upon with the teacher, to concretely put into practice the use of the bibliographical apparatus, the notes to the text and the necessary iconographical materials. The course plans to promote the following transversal competences: functional literacy, learning to learn skills, project creation and management skills. PREREQUISITES It is preferable to have taken specialised examinations in the fields L-Art/01, L-Art/02, L-Art/03, also with territory-specific addresses. TEACHING METHODS Classes are held in presence. Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended. The lecturer, at the specific request of a student (by e-mail), may allow him/her to follow classes remotely via “Teams” platform and to view class recordings, exclusively for sessions that will be held in the classroom. The course includes field work and workshop activities. Specifically, 20 hours of the course will be conducted in a workshop format that will include - Group work for the conduction of guided itineraries - Exposure to historical and artistic themes, held in the field - Preparation of materials related to planned field trips - Public speaking and acting exercises SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course will focus on understanding how dissemination and didactics are rooted in the scientific knowledge of artistic and cultural heritage. The volumes listed in the bibliography will be the basis for constructing an itinerary to understand today's need to consider the artistic and figurative heritage as a tool of citizenship, as a right of all and as a fundamental building block for the construction of an identity of societies and territories. This path of sharing and awareness will be flanked by a detailed examination of the technological tools available to professionals in the sector in order to build narrative itineraries that start from research, allow the public to acquire a "toolbox" for reading works and artistic phenomena, arrive at the instances of conservation and preservation of works of art and arrive - finally - at the concept of valorisation as recognition and restitution of value. Attendance is strongly recommended, but the programme will not differ in terms of texts between attending and non-attending students. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY G. Montanari (a cura di), Genova Barocca. Autori opere territorio, Genova University Press, Genova 2022. G. Capriotti, M. Cerquetti, Verso un approccio interdisciplinare alla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale nei territori periferici, in "Sinergie", XXVII, 2015, pp. 153-171. T. Montanari, Istruzioni per l'uso del futuro. Il patrimonio culturale e la democrazia che verrà, Minimum fax, Roma 2014. M. Zane, Breve guida. La valorizzazione culturale 4.0. Le tecnologie cross-mediali al servizio del patrimonio culturale, Editoriale Scientifica 2022. M. E. Colombo, Musei e cultura digitale. Fra narrativa, pratiche e testimonianze, Ed. Bibliografica, Milano 2020. I. Baldriga, Diritto alla bellezza. Educazione al patrimonio artistico, sostenibilità e cittadinanza, Le Monnier, Firenze 2017. M. S. Bottai, Insegnare storia dell'arte. Strumenti e metodi sperimentali per le scuole superiori, Carocci, Roma 2023. Further and more in-depth bibliography may be provided during the course. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIACOMO MONTANARI Ricevimento: Only on appointment: Exam Board GIACOMO MONTANARI (President) PIETRO TOSO LESSONS LESSONS START Febraury 2025 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral interview / concerted workshop activities (During the course, the writing of high-level popularisation texts will be proposed, as well as the presentation of the same in the presence of the class during the visit to specific monumental sites. It will also be offered to write a scientific text on one of the sites or works visited, agreed upon with the teacher, to concretely put into practice the use of the bibliographical apparatus, the notes to the text and the necessary iconographical materials. These activities may be part of the final evaluation). For students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA). Students with disabilities or DSA are reminded that in order to request adjustments in the exam, they must first enter their certification on the University website at in the ‘Students’ section. The documentation will be checked by the University's Services for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA Sector ( Subsequently, well in advance (at least 10 days) of the exam date, an e-mail must be sent to the teacher with whom the exam is to be taken, including in the copy the School's Referring Professor for the inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA ( and the Sector indicated above. The e-mail must specify - the name of the teaching course - the date of the call - the student's surname, first name and roll number - the compensatory tools and dispensatory measures considered functional - and required. The contact person will confirm to the teacher that the applicant has the right to request adaptations during the examination and that these adaptations must be agreed upon with the teacher. The teacher will respond by stating whether the requested adaptations can be used. Requests must be sent at least 10 days before the date of the session in order to allow the teacher to assess their content. In particular, in the case of concept maps for the exam (which must be much more concise than the maps used for studying) if the submission does not meet the deadline there will be no technical time to make any changes. For further information on the request for services and adaptations, see the document: ASSESSMENT METHODS The evaluation takes into account the following value scale: 1. in the event that the student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the texts proposed in the examination programme, expresses himself/herself with mastery of language, including technical language, has matured critical tools and is able to apply what has been learnt to the various case studies proposed, the examination will be graded between very good and excellent (28 to 30 with distinction); 2. knowledge of the texts in the examination programme, a fair ability to analyse and mostly correct language will lead to a mark between good (25-27) and satisfactory (23-24); 3. an inadequate or incomplete knowledge of the texts included in the examination programme, a limited understanding of the topics covered, expressive methods that are not always appropriate may be considered sufficient (18-22); 4. serious gaps in knowledge of the texts, inappropriate language, failure to acquire analytical skills will lead to a negative assessment of the examination. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 17/12/2024 10:00 GENOVA Orale 28/01/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 11/02/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 13/05/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 17/06/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 08/07/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 09/09/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals No poverty Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Reduce inequality Sustainable cities and communities OpenBadge PRO3 - Soft skills - Imparare a imparare base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Gestione progettuale base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Creazione progettuale base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Alfabetica base 1 - A