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CODE 86952
SEMESTER 2° Semester


The anthropological perspective is indispensable for examining the administration of justice, economy, war, but also the historiography and transmission of memory in the ancient world history. With the course of History and Anthropology of the Ancient World it is possible to highlight that set of "patterns" that have been decisive in the construction of classical cultures: forms of myth, kinship structures, religious representations, interspecific relationships, gender problems.



The course aims to provide students with the theoretical tools necessary for the study of ancient cultures and societies. Particular attention will be paid to the comparative view of the ancient world (Greek and Roman cultural forms compared with those of other peoples and other eras), to the pre-eminence of the internal point of view on the studied cultures (the interest in the way the ancients thought their culture, avoiding projecting onto them our modern categories), to the connection between cultural phenomena normally kept distinct (religion and translatability between cultures, man / animal relationship and gender).


In addition to the acquisition of knowledge and an appropriate language to express the educational goals, they involve the development of the ability to work in interdisciplinary and comparative terms and stimulate the research focus with the exercise of writing by developing an individual and original research with the support of the professor


The organization of teaching activities is distributed among the following types: Lectures, Tutorials, Seminars and other activities (for example, museum visits, elaborates or individual research presented by students, collective seminar at the end of the course, group work, educational experiences in the field etc).


During the lessons will be presented a vision of the ancient world that allows to highlight that set of "patterns" that have been decisive in the construction of classical cultures: forms of myth, kinship structures, systems of attitudes, religious representations, interspecific relationships ( the relationship between man and animal), the translatability of languages and cultures, gender configurations. Particular attention will be paid to the comparative vision of the ancient world (Greek and Roman cultural forms compared with those of other peoples and other eras), to the pre-eminence of the internal point of view on the studied cultures (the interest in the way the ancients thought their culture, avoiding projecting onto them our modern categories), to the connection between cultural phenomena normally kept distinct (religion and translatability between cultures, man / animal relationship and gender).


A--TESINA ( 10 pagine su un argomento concordato da consegnare prima dell'esame )


1- E. Villari ( a cura di), IL PAESAGGIO E Il SACRO, DeFerrari, Genova, 2014.

2-E. Villari, IL MORSO E IL CAVALIERE, Il melangolo, Genova, 2001.


3--I greci. Storia, arte, cultura e società. Vol. 1: Noi e i greci. a cura di S. Settis Einaudi , Torino 1996

Il confronto con gli antichi, di Francois Hartog. La politica, di Paul Cartledge. Colonizzazione e decolonizzazione, di David Asheri. Città e campagna. L'immagine della polis da Omero all'età classica, di Alain Schnapp. La costruzione dell'"altro", di Wilfried Nippel. Mito, di Carlo Ginzburg. Modi di comunicazione col divino: la preghiera, la divinazione e il sacrificio nella civiltà greca, di Jan N. Bremmer. La dimostrazione, di Luis Vega Reñon. L'invenzione della natura, di Patrice Loraux. Il bello e il naturale. Un incontro letale, di Martin Warnke. Eros, di Froma I. Zeitlin. L'io, l'anima, il soggetto, di Mario Vegetti. La tragedia e il tragico, di Diego Lanza. L'agonismo sportivo, di Henri Willy Pleket. Schiavitú e lavoro, di Ellen Meiksins Wood. La trasmissione del sapere, di Luciano Canfora. L'ordine dorico come diapason dell'architettura moderna, di Kurt W. Forster. Il classico nella cultura postmoderna, di Lambert Schneider. La storia del pensiero, di Maria Michela Sassi. Il medico e la malattia, di Jackie Pigeaud. Il filosofo , di Giuseppe Cambiano. Poeta, saggio, sofista, filosofo: l'intellettuale nella Grecia antica, di Carles Miralles. L'utopia e i Greci, di Alfonso M. Iacono. Disegnare la terra, di Christian Jacob. Scrivere gli eventi storici, di Paolo Desideri. Per una storia delle storie greche, di Carmine Ampolo




Exam Board


NICOLA CUCUZZA (President Substitute)

FABIO NEGRINO (President Substitute)




Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



The student evaluation includes an oral exam in which questions are asked about the three parts (specify the type and the areas of the questions). At the oral exam the student only accesses prior (about ten days before the exam date) delivery of a written essay of a dozen pages on a previously agreed topic and on which a bibliography has been established with the teacher.

The student must demonstrate that he has acquired the expected learning outcomes

The score of the exam is attributed by a vote expressed in thirtieths the result is given by the sum of the evaluations of the written test, the oral test and other factors evaluated, for example, the active participation of students in the lessons, exercises and work done individually in the form of exercises and reports assigned during the course.


In the assessment of the examination the determination of the final grade takes into account the following elements:

1. The originality and documentation of the written work

2. Appropriate preparation on all parts of the exam.

3. Active participation of students attending classes.

The assessment takes into account the method followed by the student in addressing the problems; the correctness of the identified procedure and the documentation; the adequacy of the proposed solution in relation to the skills that the student assumes he has acquired at the end of the course; of the use of an adequate language.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
17/12/2024 10:00 GENOVA Orale
30/01/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale
13/02/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale
05/05/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale
04/06/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale
03/07/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale
24/07/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale
05/09/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale

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