CODE 86798 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 DIGITAL HUMANITIES - INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS AND DIGITAL MEDIA 11661 (LM-92) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 1 COMPUTER SCIENCE 10852 (LM-18) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 3 STATISTICA MATEM. E TRATTAM. INFORMATICO DEI DATI 8766 (L-35) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 1 COMPUTER ENGINEERING 11160 (LM-32) - GENOVA 3 cfu anno 2 ROBOTICS ENGINEERING 10635 (LM-32) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-INF/05 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW In the information age any system or device generates some form of data for diagnostic purposes or analysis. he course details the techniques for analyzing data in order to extract useful information and knowledge for decision making. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course is designed to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills in the fields of machine learning and data analysis. Building upon foundational concepts, students delve into cutting-edge techniques and methodologies essential for tackling real-world problems in diverse domains. The course addresses a comprehensive review of fundamental machine learning algorithms, including supervised and unsupervised learning, and deep learning architectures. Through hands-on exercises and projects, students gain proficiency in implementing these algorithms using popular libraries. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The student will be able to apply the acquired skills to a case study by deriving the model of the phenomenon that generated the data under analysis. During the course the following skills will be developed - personal competence - social competence - ability to learn to learn - competence in project creation - competence in project management PREREQUISITES Coding (Matlab/Python/R), linear algebra, probability and statistics. TEACHING METHODS - Frontal lesson (approx. 50% to develop ability to learn to learn) - Laboratories (approx. 50% to develop personal competence) - Possibility of a final project in pairs (to develop social competence, competence in project creation, and competence in project management) For working students and students with certification of Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), disabilities, or other special educational needs are advised to contact the instructor at the beginning of the course to arrange teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning styles. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Statistical inference Supervised, Semisupervised, and Unsupervised Learning Statistical Learning Theory Algorithmi Shallow di Machine Learning (esempi in linguaggio Python) Algorithmi Deep di Machine Learning (esempi in linguaggio Python) Generative AI Model Selection and Error Estimation RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY T. Hastie, R.Tibshirani, J.Friedman "The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction" 2009. S. Shalev-Shwartz, S. Ben-David "Understanding machine learning: From theory to algorithms" 2014 C. M. Bishop, H. Bishop. Deep learning: Foundations and concepts. Springer Nature, 2023. L. Oneto "Model Selection and Error Estimation in a Nutshell" 2020 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD LUCA ONETO Ricevimento: By appointment, scheduled by email. DAVIDE ANGUITA Ricevimento: By appointment. Exam Board LUCA ONETO (President) FABIO ROLI DAVIDE ANGUITA (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral by appointment. ASSESSMENT METHODS The student will solve a real problem at will by applying the techniques learned during the course. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 14/02/2025 07:00 GENOVA Esame su appuntamento 19/09/2025 07:00 GENOVA Esame su appuntamento Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Industry, innovation and infrastructure OpenBadge PRO3 - Soft skills - Gestione progettuale base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Imparare a imparare avanzato 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Personale avanzato 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Sociale avanzato 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Creazione progettuale avanzato 1 - A