CODE 55919 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 1 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-38) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 1 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-37) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/04 LANGUAGE French TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES FOR CULTURAL SERVICES 9265 (coorte 2024/2025) FRENCH LANGUAGE II 61341 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Course title: Pratiques de nomination dans le discours médiatique The course fits within the general educational objectives of the LM37/38, particularly regarding the acquisition of textual analysis skills applied to media communication in French. The course has a value of 9 CFU for LM 37/38, including the lettorati and theory module. Lettorato modules: LM 37-38 I year- Recherche documentaire (Prof. Nagot), Analyse de la presse (Prof. Bianchini), LM 37-38 II year- Analyse de la presse francophone (Prof. Bianchini), Introduction à l'audiovisuel (Prof. Nagot). All information about the lettorato is available at The teaching has a value of 6 CFU for LM94, including the modulo teorico only. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the students will have acquired deep knowledge and expertise in the field of French discourse analysis, both in terms of meta-linguistic analysis tools and thematic aspects, including different media languages. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: - explain the concepts of event, discursive moment, lexical-discursive profile; - understand the functioning of a journalistic hypertext; - identify the mechanisms of event naming peculiar to media language, with reference to the language of the press; - analyse the dynamics of event naming in journalistic texts through the tools of French-style discourse analysis (AD). The students will also have enhanced their skills in the areas of critical thinking and team working. PREREQUISITES C1 level of the Common European Framework TEACHING METHODS Lectures in the classroom, group work (analysis of cases, preparation of presentations and exposés) and debate in the classroom, consolidation activities via Aulaweb. Students who have duly registered a certification of disability, DSA or other special educational needs are advised to contact both the contact person Prof. Sara Dickinson ( and the lecturer [or teacher] at the beginning of the course, in order to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory tools. For non-attending students, in-depth preparation of the text Sophie Moirand, Les Discours de la Presse quotidienne. Observer, analyser, comprendre, Paris, PUF, "Linguistique nouvelle," 2007 and Marie Veniard, La nomination des événements dans la presse : Essai de sémantique discursive, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013. SYLLABUS/CONTENT This course presents an overview of the tools of discourse analysis in the field of media communication. Journalistic communication in the French language will be addressed, with reference to event naming strategies and lexical-discursive profiles in media texts. Discourse analysis will be explored through the tools of corpus linguistics. Main topics: - fundamentals of French-style discourse analysis; - argumentative and rhetorical strategies in media discourse; - the notions of event, discursive moment; -the lexical-discursive approach and naming processes; - linguistic analysis of media discourse and the notion of hyperstructure-elements of hyperstructure analysis. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Patrick Charaudeau, La manipulation de la vérité, Paris, Lambert-Lucas, 2020. Sophie Moirand, Les Discours de la Presse quotidienne. Observer, analyser, comprendre, Paris, PUF, "Linguistique nouvelle," 2007. Marie Veniard, La nomination des événements dans la presse : Essai de sémantique discursive, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013. Lettorato information is available at TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MICAELA ROSSI Ricevimento: See the URL Voir la page personnelle du professeur: LAURE MATHILDE BIANCHINI LOUIS CHARLES NAGOT Exam Board MICAELA ROSSI (President) LESSONS LESSONS START I semester 2024-25. The lettorato is annual - see the teaching's Aulaweb for information. Class schedule FRENCH LANGUAGE I EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Lettorato LM 37-38 I year- Recherche documentaire (Prof. Nagot), Analyse de la presse (Prof. Bianchini), Latorato LM 37-38 II year- Analyse de la presse francophone (Prof. Bianchini), Introduction à l'audiovisuel (Prof. Nagot). The detailed schedule of the lettorati is available at For the modulo teorico, the exam will consist of an oral interview after preparation of a dossier, which will focus on text analysis skills acquired during the course. Skills acquired in media discourse analysis through the analysis of authentic texts and skills in oral expression in French will then be considered. Evaluation in thirtieths. ASSESSMENT METHODS The test related to the modulo teorico aims to verify the acquisition of fundamental knowledge regarding the discipline of French-style discourse analysis and the ability to apply it to the concrete analysis of one or more media texts. The tests related to the lettorati are intended to verify the acquisition of skills in comprehension and production of complex texts in French at the C1-C2 level.