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Informazioni 2024/2025

Durata 2 anni
CFU 120
Classe LM-35
Classe delle lauree magistrali in INGEGNERIA PER L'AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO
Accesso Accesso libero
Lingua Inglese
Modalità didattica Tradizionale
Costi Da 0 a 3000 euro all'anno. Scopri se hai diritto a borse ed esenzioni
Esperienze all'estero Sedi internazionali e partner
Contatti Per saperne di più sul Corso visita la sezione dedicata
Orari delle lezioni Portale EasyAcademy

Programme overview


The MSc in Environmental Engineering provides for the expertises in the fields of Natural Processes, Chemical-Environmental Processes and Impact and Management of production activities. This approach allows the student to face environmental issues within the framework of Eco-System Based Management EBM.

The career is taught in English and it has two different curriculum: Blue Engng is oriented to the marine environment and its management while Green Engng focus on land and watershed management.

Learning by doing

The training of students during their career includes both a traditional approach to the study of basic processes, and the application of the knowledge acquired through experimental laboratories and practical applications developed in the field. In fact, several courses provide for the development of practical tests to verify and strengthen the learning of the subject by the students.

The academic career ends with a traineeship.

Career perspectives

The MSc in Environmental Engng opens different job opportunities in the Blue and Green Economy such as:

  • technical officer of Public Administrations in the areas of Environment, Land Management and Civil Protection
  • employee for consulting firms on various environmental issues (impact assessment, monitoring, modeling...)
  • employee in the industrial sector (environmental impact and risk management)
  • engineer for the civil, environmental, marine and oil & gas sector as a free-professional

What you will learn

Natural Processes

The student will understand and be able to describe quantitavely all the natural processes involved in environmental processes

Chemical Processes

A detailed insight will be developed about the main chemical processes triggered by human activities on the environment

Impact and Management of Productive Activities

Basic knowledges will be used for the benefit of analyzing the impact and the management of anthropogenic pressures on the environment

The Ocean

Blue Engineering will be dedicated to study and understanding of the marine environment form a physical and ecological point of view

Watershed Management

The management of the landscape read as a whole among the ground, the water bodies and the human

Eco-System Based Management (EBM)

The understanding of human activities in a framework taking into account the impact on the surrounding environment

Numerical Modelling

Knowledge for the development and usage of numerical models for the simulation of physical, chemical and environmental processes

Observing and Monitoring

Developing the abilities and knowledges necessary to measure and monitor the environment

Suistanable Resources

Enhancing environmental resources and their sustainability; renewable energy production


The Master of Science (MSc) course in Environmental Engineering is aimed at students trained as general engineers with broad skills on the technologies relevant to the environmental sector.

The study career provides knowledge for an adequate understanding of the physical and chemical processes that are at the base of the dispersion and diffusion of polluting substances in different types of fluids (air, water, porous media) and presents various insights on the interaction between the development and planning of activities and anthropic settlements with the surrounding environment, analyzing the pressures and risks associated with extreme events (natural hazards) and evaluating its ecological impact in order to develop eco-system based management.

Starting from specific knowledge, the environmental engineer trained in this course acquires an overview on issues related to environmental problems in order to be able to deal with them in a systematic way. The objective is to grasp the different aspects (physical processes, chemical processes, ecological processes, social processes, economic processes) and face them in one common context.

Head of programme

10720_Nicoletta Tambroni

Welcome to the Master Course on Environmental Engineering!
You will be able to live and study in a friendly, international and multidisciplinary atmosphere and share our enthusiasm for knowledge.
Did you choose which curriculum to attend? Blue Engineering is oriented to ocean and coastal environment while Green Engineering to land and watershed management. Both will give you the opportunity to enrich your academic career with internships and abroad study.

Nicoletta Tambroni

Where to find us

DICCA - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale
Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
via Montallegro 1
16145 Genova, ITALY

Lecture Rooms
Villa Cambiaso - via Montallegro 1
Polo Opera Pia - via all'Opera Pia 15 A

Learn more

Student Desk - Polytechnic School

Villa Cambiaso, via Montallegro 1


Didactic support contact
Simona Grillo