1. Read the admission criteria You can apply for admission if you have either: a Bachelor degree (of at least 180 CFU/ECTS) a laurea at least 180 CFU/ECTS You can access this course only if you have obtained a degree or an equivalent qualification (bachelor's degree, a direct school for special purposes - 3 years), if you meet the curricular requirements and if you successfully pass the Prerequisites assessment. Did you graduate abroad? Yes If you have a degree obtained abroad and you want to enroll in a course held entirely in English, you will not have to take the Italian language test. CV requirements In order to attend this course the student needs the following requirements, without any exclusion: Laurea (First cycle degree, i.e. Bachelor's degree) related to the following Classes L-7 Civil and Environmental Engineering or L-9 Industrial Engineering (DM 270/2004 or equivalent), or an equivalent foreign degree Laurea (First cycle degree, i.e. Bachelor's degree), Laurea Specialistica or Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree, i.e. Master's degree) according to DM 509/1999 or DM 270/2004, or five-year second cycle degree (Master's degree, ante DM509/1999) or an equivalent foreign degree, with at least 36 ECTS related to the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry areas and at least 12 ECTS related to the following academic discipline (SSD): ICAR/01, ICAR/02, ICAR/03, ICAR/07, ICAR/08, ICAR/09, ING-IND/24, ING-IND/25 English language, B2 level or equivalent If you do not meet the required curricular requirements, the Course will indicate the curricular integrations in terms of university credits or specific courses that must necessarily be acquired before the new enrollment. The eligibility of qualifications obtained abroad is recognized by the competent Degree Programme Board on the basis of an assessment of the academic qualification, the training activities (examinations) carried out, and the CV. If... you are an UniGe graduate with a recent degree and you meet the admission criteria If you graduated in UniGe with a recent degree (ex DM 509) and your degree meets the admission criteria, you must directly access the UniGe Online Services. you are an UniGe graduate but your degree doesn't meet the admission criteria or you are a graduate from another University If you are a UniGe graduate but your degree does not automatically meet the admission criteria or you are a graduate of another university, you have to: Access the UniGe Online Service Upload your study career (only for students coming from other Universities), including the prospectus of examinations with the indication, for each subject, of the scientific disciplinary areas and the relevant CFU. At this time, you will have to choose the date for your Admission test.N.B. The documentation must be uploaded within 10 days from the date you intend to join. You will be informed of the outcome of the verification of the admission criteria before the date scheduled for the admission test. If you don't succeed in the admission criteria verification, you will not be able to take part in the admission test. In this case, you will be suggested a bridge career (carriera ponte) to fill the curricular deficiencies identified. If instead, you do not pass the admission test, you will be able to take the test for a different Master's Degree or submit to the next test. N.B. If your Bachelor's degree grade is at least 9/10 of the maximum or has obtained a final grade corresponding to the "A" or "B" classification of the ECTS system, you will not have to take the Admission Test. you are a candidate You can attend the admission test even if you are not graduated yet, as long as you have already succeeded all the exams and your career meets the admission requirements. In this case, after pre-enrollment, you have to access Unige's Online Services and choose the admission test date on which you would like to join in. N.B. As you are not graduated yet, remember that you will not be able to take advantage of the possible exemption for the degree grade.
2. Registrati e pre-immatricolati Per iscriverti a questo corso di studio è necessario effettuare la procedura online che comprende la registrazione e la pre-immatricolazione (guarda il TUTORIAL). Registrazione al portale UniGe Se non sei mai stato iscritto all'Università di Genova, accedi al Portale UniGe e ottieni le credenziali UniGePASS. Pre-immatricolazione Fai domanda di pre-immatricolazione utilizzando le credenziali UniGePASS ricevute con la registrazione. Puoi presentare domanda di pre-immatricolazione anche se ti devi ancora laureare. Per conoscere i termini e le modalità con cui è possibile iscriversi in UniGe consulta le pagine Scadenze e Iscrizioni La scadenza di Ateneo per la pre-immatricolazione è dal 9 aprile al 29 novembre 2024 entro il 10 marzo 2025 con pagamento di una mora La pre-immatricolazione e la Verifica dell’adeguatezza della preparazione personale sono gratuite. Il pagamento della tassa d'iscrizione e della tassa regionale è richiesto solo al momento della conferma dell'immatricolazione.
3. Sostieni la verifica della preparazione personale Vai alla pagina dedicata alla Verifica della preparazione personale.
4. Conferma l'immatricolazione Concludi l'iscrizione con la conferma cliccando sul corso scelto, rispondendo alle semplici domande, dopodichè clicca sul tasto blu "Conferma" Paga la prima rata delle tasse secondo le modalità e le scadenze indicate.