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Fee reductions and exemptions

The following are planned:

  • reductions for merit
  • partial or total exemptions from payment of the University Contribution

Reductions for merit

You get the reduction 'on merit' if:

  • you graduated with a grade of 100/100 and enrolled (full-time) for the first time in UniGe
  • if you graduated with a grade of 110/110 and enrolled full-time in a degree programme at UniGe

According to Article 14 of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations, pfor the first year you will receive a merit-based reduction in the university contribution of € 200.

For course years above the first you get a reduction of:

  • 400 if you belong to the first merit bracket
  • 200 if you belong to the second merit bracket

N.B. The merit reduction that you accrue during the final year of a Bachelor, Master of Science or Combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree course can be used as a reduction for the first year of a possible enrolment in UniGe on a higher level course.

You have already obtained full exemption from the university fee

  • you are enrolled or have been enrolled part-time in the last year of your course of study
  • you are not up to date with the payment of contributions, including past contributions
  • you have obtained scholarships granted by the regional agency for the right to university study
  • you are in one of these situations of incompatibility:
    • you have already been enrolled in a course at the same level or at a higher level (maximum grade reduction for enrolment in the first year of a three-year degree course, master's degree course, single-cycle degree course)
    • have already obtained a degree at the same or higher level (for the "maximum grade" reduction for enrolment in the first year of a bachelor, master's or single-cycle degree course)
  • you enrol on the basis of agreements/conventions, also at international level

To obtain the reduction, you do not have to submit any application, it will be applied automatically.

ALiSEO student grant winners

Total exemption

If you have applied for and won the ALiSEO scholarship, you receive full exemption from university fees and regional tax

You only have to pay the stamp duty of € 16.

Art. 8, subsection 1, letter b, and subsection 2 of the Regulation on student contributions and university benefits.

International students

If you are an international student, you are entitled to:

  1. complete exemption from paying the second and third instalments of the student contribution if:
    • you have been granted refugee status in accordance with the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951, ratified by law no. 722
    • of 24 July 1954
    • You have been awarded a scholarship by the Italian Government within the framework of development cooperation programmes and intergovernmental cultural and scientific agreements
  2. exemption of the third instalment of the student contribution if you come from developing countries (identified on the basis of Ministerial Decree of 11 June 2019) and if you reside in Italy with a regular residence permit for study purposes

Students with disabilities/disabilities

(Articles 8 and 9 of the Student Contribution Regulation)

  • Total exemption from payment of the  2nd and 3rd instalments of fees (university contribution) and of the regional tax for students with a disability equal to or greater than 66%.
  • Total exemption from payment of the   2nd and 3rd instalments of fees (university contribution) for students with disabilities, with recognition of handicap in accordance with art.3, Law 104/1992
  • Partial exemption from the payment of the 3rd instalment of fees (university contribution) for students with a disability between 50% and 65%
  • For the graduation of the regional fee and/or university contribution, you are required to self-certify your ISEE-U data on page .

The exemption is applied for the current academic year if the documentation certifying the disability and/or invalidity is produced by the deadline for enrolment in the chosen course of study (deadline for payment of the 1st instalment) or, if produced after that deadline, but in any case by the deadline for payment of the 3rd instalment, provided that the date on which the recognition takes effect is prior to the aforementioned enrolment deadline. Otherwise, the exemption will be applied from the following academic year.

Documents certifying disabled and/or invalid status must be uploaded on the online services page
Select "WEB-students" > enter your credentials > Forms > Disability Disability DSA > Enter certifications 

The University will automatically apply the benefit also for the academic years following the year in which the certification was obtained, unless the recognition has an expiry date, as it is subject to review. It will be the student's responsibility to re-submit to the University the documentation proving continued entitlement, which will be accepted in the same way as in the previous paragraph.

Reductions for families

Thirty per cent exemption on the third instalment of the student contribution may be requested by students belonging to the same household (meaning the nuclear family: spouses, parents, children, individuals united by civil union or cohabitation pursuant to law 76/2016), enrolled, within the normal duration of the course, in the same academic year, on degree courses, single-cycle specialist/master's degree courses at the University of Genoa.

The membership of the same household is ascertained by means of ISEE-U certificate for the University (ISEE-U) or by means of an for the University of Genoa. The membership of the same household is ascertained by means of ISEE statement for the University (ISEE-U) or with ISEE-U-Parified.
N.B.No other tax documentation is allowed.
The reduction can be cumulated with any merit awards.
The reduction is granted subject to a specific request to be presented, for each academic year, by all interested students, within the prescribed deadlines, individually filling in the "online self-certification form" available at the dedicated webpage.

For the academic year 2023-2024, the deadline for self-certification is 20 April 2024.

The exemption is granted after the administration has verified:

  • the regular enrolment within the duration of the course, for the academic year in question, by all applicants. In the event that this requirement is not possessed by all the students in the household, the exemption will be applied only to those students who do possess this requirement;
  • belonging to the same household, as ascertained by means of an ISEE-U certificate.

Youth Support Fund

To encourage enrolment in courses of particular national and community interest the UniGe offers a partial refund of fees and contributions.

  • you are enrolled full-time in one of the following courses:
    • Chemical Chemistry and Technology
    • Physics
    • Materials Science
    • Mathematics
    • Mathematical Statistics and Computer Data Processing (SMID)
    • Geological Sciences
    • Biomedical Engineering
    • Electronic Engineering and Information Technology
    • Computer Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Chemical and Process Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Industrial and Management Engineering (Savona Campus)
    • Mechanical Engineering (Genoa and La Spezia Poles)
    • Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Production (Savona Campus)
    • Naval Engineering (La Spezia Campus)
    • Naval Engineering
    • Informatics
    • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • You are in progress
  • you meet the income and merit requirements

For further information read the Youth Support Fund -Disciplinary areas of particular national and community interest (art.3, cc 2 and 3, DM 976/2014).

Application to the Magnificent Rector

If you have serious health problems, certified by competent health facilities, you can submit application to the Magnificent Rector for partial or total exemption from the University Fee.

You must send the request (signed and dated):

  • indicating the reasons for serious health reasons
  • inserting your personal details, registration number, telephone number (mobile/fixed) and up-to-date email address
  • via email to or by registered mail with return receipt: Al Magnifico Rettore - Università degli Studi di Genova - Via Balbi, 5 - 16126 Genova

To the application you must attach:

  • a double-sided copy of a valid identity document
  • the ISEE-U declaration
  • certification of your serious health condition issued by the competent health facility

You must send your request within the deadlines for payment of the university fee: go to the page Dates 

Your request will be answered by email to the address you have indicated and your career will be automatically updated.

WARNING: If the administration replies to you after the deadline for payment of the university fee, do not worry: you will not have to pay any late fees.

If you pay the university fee before the Administration replies, your file will be archived.

Other cases of exemption and summary

Students applying for ALiSEO scholarships (beneficiaries) (art. 8, par. 1, letter b, and par. 2 of the Regulation)

They pay only stamp duty (€ 16)

  • Students belonging to the 1st contribution group with ISEE-U less than or equal to €13,000 (art. 8, par. 1, letter a of the Regulations)
  • Students with disabilities, with recognition of disability pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1, Law 104/92, or with a disability equal to or greater than 66% (art. 8, paragraph 1, letter c of the Regulations)
  • Foreign students who receive a grant from the Italian government (intergovernmental agreements) (art. 8, par. 1, letter d of the Regulations)
  • Students who interrupt their studies due to serious illness, limited to the period of the illness (art. 8, paragraph 1, letter e of the Regulations)
  • Foreign students who have been granted refugee status (art. 8, paragraph 1, letter f of the Regulation)
  • Students detained in the Genoa Penitentiary Institutions pursuant to the Agreement entered into on 6/4/2016 with the Regional Penitentiary Administration Board for Piedmont, Liguria and Valle D'Aosta (art. 8, par. 1, letter g of the Regulation)
  • Students over 65 who intend to enrol in full-time or resume their studies with reconnaissance (art. 8, par. 1, letter h of the Rules). The exemption is confirmed for the current academic year for students who have benefited from it for the 2018/2019 academic year
  • Students who have lost their employment as a result of collective or individual dismissal (art.8, paragraph 1, letter i of the Regulations)
  • Students who are recipients of an extraordinary salary integration scheme or a solidarity contract (art.8, paragraph 1, letter i of the Regulation)

They pay only the 1st instalment (stamp duty € 16 + regional tax)

  • Disabled students with a disability rating of between 50 and 65%
  • Foreign students from "developing countries" (identified on the basis of Ministerial Decree no. 344 of 8 April 2022)
  • Students classified in the first three places in rankings of competitions, projects and competitions at national or international level, recognised by UNIGE
  • Students who, as top-level athletes, are included in the "UniGE for Champions" programme for the enhancement of sporting merit (in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulations)

They pay 1st instalment + 2nd instalment

Students over the normal term/out-of-course owing only the final examination or degree on 31 March

They pay 1st instalment + 2nd instalment + 50% 3rd instalment

Students enrolled within the normal course duration belonging to the same household. For details on how to take advantage of this offer, please consult the page Household Discounts

They pay 1st instalment + 2nd instalment + 70% 3rd instalment

Students meeting income and merit requirements who are members of the Guardia di Finanza Corps Regional Command Liguria.

The exemption is extended to children of the Guardia di Finanza Corps Regional Command Liguria. The exemption is extended to children of military personnel of the Liguria Regional Command (including orphans). See the modalities of use

The university contribution (2nd and 3rd instalment) reduced by a variable percentage (30% or 20% or 5%) based on the ISEEU, subject to verification of merit requirements

Students meeting income and merit requirements serving in the Public Administration. Consult the modalities di fruizione

The university contribution (2nd and 3rd instalments) reduced by a variable percentage (30% or 20% or 5%) based on the ISEEU, subject to verification of merit requirements

    • Graduates with a grade of 100/100 and enrolled full-time for the first time at the University of Genoa (art. 14 paragraph 1, letter c of the Regulations)
    • Graduates with a grade of 110/110 and enrolled full time for the first time in a Master of Science degree course at the University of Genoa (art. 14 paragraph 1, letter c of the Regulations)
    They pay 1st instalment + reduced university contribution of € 200
    • Deserving students meeting the requirements of Article 14, paragraph 1, letter c of the Regulations
    1st instalment + reduced university contribution of:

    € 400 - 1st class of merit
    € 200 - 2nd class of merit

  • Students in possession of income requirements who hold the position of FAMILY CAREGIVER AND/OR NATURAL CAREGIVER.
  • Consult the modalities of use

They pay 1st instalment + 2nd instalment + 70% 3rd instalment