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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-23
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme RODOLFO REPETTO
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
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The course in brief


The objective of the course is to provide the graduate with advanced training to operate at high levels of qualification in the field of civil engineering: structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic and maritime construction, infrastructure, and engineering for land protection and preservation. The course provides specific skills for the analysis of complex engineering works, development of technological innovations, planning and process management.

Learning by doing

Design exercises for civil engineering works and interventions. Analysis to be carried out also with the aid of numerical methods. Drafting of design drawings and technical reports. Dissertation consisting of a project and/or the development of an application of an innovative nature. Internships at prestigious foreign companies and research institutions.

Professional outlets

  • Freelance: consulting and design activities
  • .
  • engineering companies and professional firms working in the field of design, construction, operation, maintenance of structures, infrastructure and works aimed at land protection
  • construction companies
  • public administrations: technical offices of municipalities, regions; state technical services; Basin Authorities; Port Authorities, Reclamation Consortia, etc
  • public and private entities
  • research centers.

What you will learn

ideare, progettare, realizzare

opere civili, infrastrutturali, per la protezione del territorio

attività e prove sperimentali

su materiali, in galleria del vento, su modelli idraulici

modellazione e progettazione

tramite esercitazioni e sviluppo di casi reali, in laboratori informatici

terminologia tecnica in lingua inglese

insegnamenti tenuti in inglese, pubblicazioni scientifiche

metodo di apprendimento

per l'attività professionale e per proseguire gli studi con master e dottorato

abilità comunicative

esposizione dei risultati di esercitazioni e attività sperimentali

Did you know that.

Il 100% degli studenti laureati è soddisfatto del corso (dati Consorzio AlmaLaurea)

Il 90% dei laureati lavora dopo un anno dalla laurea (dati Consorzio AlmaLaurea)

Dall'a.a. 2018/19 nelle attività curriculari è previsto il tirocinio formativo

È favorita l'internazionalizzazione, con corsi in inglese e numerosi accordi di scambio con prestigiose università e aziende straniere


The Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering aims to provide an advanced level of education that enables one to operate at the highest levels of qualification.

In particular, the educational pathway enables:

  • deepen the structural and geotechnical aspects of civil, industrial and infrastructure construction
  • ideas, plan, design and implement civil, industrial and infrastructure constructions
  • deepen the issues of maintenance and conservation, with reference to different building materials
  • address the many problems related to the protection of the natural and man-made environment, within the framework of a realistic development of the economy and society (sustainable development)
  • address the design, implementation and maintenance of works aimed at slope protection, stream and coastal defense
  • integrate the knowledge acquired through the training internship.

Training Objectives.

The teaching organization provides two curricula: Structures and Territory.

The course includes during the first year the analysis of theoretical-scientific aspects of civil engineering, in order to be able to address and solve, also in an innovative way, complex problems characteristic of the field. Some topics covered in first-level courses are explored in depth and more specialized topics are addressed.

The second year, differentiated by curriculum, focuses on the acquisition of specific skills, aimed at the design of complex engineering works, the development of technological innovations, and the planning and management of processes in specific areas of civil engineering.


Rodolfo Repetto
The entire staff of the Bachelor of Civil Engineering program welcomes you. The experience gained in recent years teaches us that only with the daily commitment of everyone - faculty, students, technicians, tutors - can something important be done for the education of new engineers.
We begin this new experience with enthusiasm!

Rodolfo Repetto

Where we are

Education Support Office
Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering DICCA
Villa Cambiaso, Via Montallegro 1
16145 Genoa

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Engineering Student Desk
Villa Cambiaso, Via Montallegro 1 - in front of Classroom A7
opening hours, services offered, etc.

Reference for Education
Simona Grillo