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Admission criteria and procedure

Admission requirements

You can only enter this course if you have earned a bachelor's degree or equivalent (pre-doctoral degree, university diploma - 3 years, direct school for special purposes - 3 years) and if you meet the specific requirements.

Specific requirements

To register for this course you must have:

  • a degree from class L-13 'Biological Sciences' (ex D.M. 270 /2004) or the corresponding class 12 (ex D.M.509/99)
  • an equivalent foreign degree
  • English language certificate of B2 level
  • .

You can still enroll if your degree is from another class but you will have to undergo a verification of your curricular requirements in order to get clearance for matriculation. You will then have to prove that you have:

  • 18 total CFUs in MAT, FIS, CHIM or INF fields
  • 30 total CFUs in BIO or MED fields
  • English language with level B2.

Did you get your degree abroad?

If you have graduated abroad, you will have to take a Italian language proficiency test.

If you have graduated abroad, you will have to take a Italian language proficiency test.

If you graduated in Italy, continue reading.

If you graduated in Italy, continue reading.

2. Register and pre-register

To enroll in this course of study, you must go through the online process that includes registration and pre-registration (for more information you can watch theTUTORIAL).

UniGe Portal Registration

If you have never been enrolled at the University of Genoa, access the UniGe Portal and get your UniGePASS credentials (for more information you can watch the TUTORIAL).


Make apply for pre-registration using the UniGePASS credentials you received with your registration.