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Final project

What is

For admission to the graduate examination, you must have completed all the credits required by the educational regulations of your degree program.

The undergraduate examination consists of discussion, in front of a committee, of a report on:

  1. a design activity
  2. conducting experiments
  3. developing methodologies or operational tools of bioengineering interest.

The activity:

  • will be carried out under the supervision of a faculty member from the Polytechnic School, DIBRIS, or a member of your course of study
  • may take place either entirely at the speaker's laboratory or in collaboration with another research institution, health care facility, or company
  • comprising a commitment of 625 hours (25 CFUs)
  • should be broken down into three phasi:
    1. Thesis Project: performance of a theoretical and/or practical and/or experimental activity
    2. Dissertation:writing a written paper describing the objectives, the activity performed and the results obtained
    3. Dissertation Examination: public discussion of the paper.

The objective of the dissertation is to ascertain your:

  • preparation
  • ability to expound and discuss a technical-professional topic
  • ability to analyze, elaborate and communicate.

The module called Research methodology (2 CFU) includes integrative activities related to the dissertation project. In addition to providing you with the skills and tools necessary to develop and present a research topic, the module involves putting these skills into practice in your Dissertation Project, including framing the problem with respect to the state of the art, gathering an essential bibliography, and defining and presenting a work plan for achieving your intended goals.

What to do to graduate

If you are an undergraduate, you must:

  1. Choose the degree session
  2. Enter the title of your thesis
  3. Fill out the degree application online
  4. Fill out the questionnaire AlmaLaurea online
  5. In case you have books on loan, return them to the library
  6. Fill out the questionnaire to evaluate your study course


  1. Check that you are current on your tax payments
  2. Pay the stamp tax of € 16 for the issuance of the degree diploma (pay here)
  3. Check that you have taken all your exams and training activities
  4. Check that they are all marked on your online career


The Graduation Committee has a maximum of 6 points to add to the weighted average expressed in hundredths, based on the evaluation of your paper and its discussion.

The criteria adopted for the evaluation are given in the dedicated section of the didactic regulations, drawn up by the departmental didactic committee and approved by the course of study.

If you write your thesis abroad, your course of study will award you credits up to a maximum of 24 CFUs based on the length of your stay.

For each month you stay abroad to conduct your thesis, you will be awarded 4 CFUs (e.g., three months abroad corresponds to 12 CFUs).

Withdrawal of parchments

The collection of Degree, Master's, Doctorate and Postgraduate Parchments for all schools takes place by appointment at the 'UniGe World' premises at Via Balbi 40-42 r - ground floor (opposite Via Balbi 5).

Info, timetable and booking on the page Diploma collection