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Why bioengineering?

Because you are fascinated by technology and the workings of the human body, and when you see a video of a person who has lost the use of a limb and controls a robotic prosthesis directly with his or her brain, or read about serious illnesses that can be diagnosed in time to be cured thanks to devices so small that they cannot even be observed with a magnifying glass, you get excited and want to contribute to the realization of it all.

If you have a solid technical-scientific foundation, the master's degree in Bioengineering will provide you with the knowledge and tools to address problems related to human health and well-being by taking advantage of the systematic approach of engineering. The areas of employment for the bioengineer are countless and continuously expanding thanks to the emergence of new technologies that open up new application scenarios.

Why in Genoa?

Because the Genoese school of bioengineering has a long tradition and a solid scientific reputation, which are also recognized internationally.

Because the course already attracts dozens of students from all over Italy, offering unique characterizations in the Italian context, for example, the track in Neuroengineering. The courses are taught by professors who conduct research in that specific field and guarantee up-to-date teaching and the possibility of combining demonstrations and practical laboratory activities with classroom lectures.

What will you study

The course has three curricula:

  • Biomedical technologies and engineering for health deepens the methodologies peculiar to engineering for the optimal management of the health of the human person, particularly the design and implementation aspects partly addressed in the biomedical engineering
  • degree course
  • Rehabilitation engineering and biomaterials refers to the methodologies of ICT, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science applied to the biomedical field and to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities
  • Neuroengineering and bio-ICT studies the molecular, cellular, and computational basis of neurosensomotor perception and control, including through the construction of biomorphic or neuromorphic artifacts using cell and tissue engineering techniques.

The first year provides a solid cultural and methodological foundation, reinforcing early-level engineering education and integrating the skills generated by often disparate ICT degrees. A core of 18 cfu, specific to each curriculum, is also provided to characterize the educational pathway from the first year. The possibility of choosing 6 cfu out of 18 from a reduced set of alternatives selected from the other curricula ensures a virtuous cultural exchange between the different training paths proposed.

The second year is dedicated to the acquisition of advanced and partly cutting-edge knowledge on specific topics of the curricula.

The skills acquired are directly usable for entry into the world of work and provide the foundation for further study as part of subsequent courses of study (Level II Master's and PhD).

    After graduation

    The Bioengineering Graduate

    Who is it?

    A bioengineer combines the technical skills and design and problem-solving abilities typical of any engineer with a deep understanding of modern principles of biology and medicine. One of the results of this ?hybridization' is a spectacular aptitude for technological innovation, not only in the field of human health.

    What does it do?

    A bioengineer designs, develops, and evaluates devices, machines, or systems, including implantable ones, aimed at monitoring, diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, structural or functional replacement of sensory, motor, or metabolic organs or biological functions, and the organization and management of health care services.

    Where does he/she work?

    Typical professional fields are those of technology innovation and development, advanced design, planning and programming, and management of complex systems, both in the liberal professions and in industrial and commercial enterprises, public and private health services, and public administrations.

    A bioengineer works in companies that design and manufacture devices, systems, equipment, and materials for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.  In the service field, he or she may be involved in the development and advanced management of health care facilities and technologies and in the conduct of diagnostic and measurement laboratories, interacting with  other health care professionals. An important professional outlet is then the continuation of studies in the PhD program.