Notice of admission Attachments Document Bando di ammissione ai corsi di laurea magistrale delle professioni sanitarie a.a. 2024/2025 Document Allegato 1 del bando di ammissione ai corsi di laurea magistrale delle professioni sanitarie a.a. 2024/2025 Document Allegato 2 del bando di ammissione ai corsi di laurea magistrale delle professioni sanitarie a.a. 2024/2025 Document ERRATA CORRIGE al D.R. n. 4110 del 27 agosto 2024-Bando di ammissione ai corsi di laurea magistrale delle professioni sanitarie
How it works Read the notice of admission carefully so as not to miss key steps. In particular, check the deadlines for each step. If you have a student's degree obtained abroad, you must take a test of knowledge of the Italian language which will be conducted in electronic mode based on the schedule published in the dedicated page in which the time and procedure for the test will be specified. Entrance test The entrance test consists of solving 80 questions with multiple-choice answers, of which only one correct answer among the five indicated, on the following topics: theory/practice relevant to the health professions included in the master's degree class of interest (32 questions) general culture and logical reasoning (18 questions) regulation of the practice of health professions included in the master's degree class of interest and health legislation (10 questions) scientific-mathematical culture, statistics, computer science and English (10 questions) humanities and social sciences (10 questions) Evaluation The following criteria shall be taken into account for the evaluation of the test:. 1 point for each correct answer minus 0.25 points for each wrong answer 0 points for each answer not given
When and where The entrance test will be held Friday October 29, 2021 at 1 p.m.and will last 2 hours.You are convoked at 11 allow the Commission to proceed with identification operations. If you show up after the close of identification operations, you will not be admitted to the test..
After the test View the ranking list View the ranking list by visiting the dedicated page on UniGe Online Services.
Simulazione Test L'Università degli Studi di Genova e Informagiovani del Comune di Genova organizzano una serie di simulazioni dei test di ingresso per accedere ai corsi di studio a numero programmato che si svolgeranno presso: Palazzo Ducale - Casa Luzzati - Piazza G. Matteotti, 24 r - 16123 Genova Le prenotazioni saranno aperte una settimana prima della data di svolgimento.
After the test View the ranking list The rankings will be posted in the News and Events section of your Course. N.B.No personal communication will be given to candidates.. Places available as a result of waivers In the News and Events course section, the following will be posted: the list of candidates who may enroll as a result of dropouts the date of the next (and possible) recovery of places The list will take into account the merit ranking.