Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L-4 INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Access Admission test Available places EU Students 52 EU Students 40 Non-EU Students 8 Locations GENOVA Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme SILVIA PERICU Department DIPARTIMENTO ARCHITETTURA E DESIGN Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Information about this Course for previous years is available here DESIGN DEL PRODOTTO E DELLA NAUTICA 9274 Previous years Info
Notice of admission Attachments Document Bando di ammissione alla laurea in Design del prodotto e della comunicazione a.a. 2024/2025 Document Avviso di ERRATA CORRIGE al DR n. 2381 del 15 maggio 2024 - Bando di ammissione al corso di laurea in Design del prodotto e dell Document Disciplinare partecipazione prova online
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The course in brief Presentation The degree course in Product and Communication Design prepares the professional to operate between the moment of conception and the moment of production, taking into account aesthetic, functional and environmental aspects; it also prepares for the design of communication and graphics with analogue, digital and multimedia tools for contemporary forms of information dissemination. The degree allows you to participate in the selection for the dual degree course with Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Learning by doing Design has always been the professional activity that combines technical scientific knowledge with practical skills. The designer ranks among the creative world, among artisans and makers, through project preparation that takes the form of building models, prototypes and mock-ups. By participating in seminars, workshops and in-company internships you will experience teamwork and the complex relationship between product design and industrialization. Professional outlets The main employment outlets are professions in the areas of industrial product and communication. These can be carried out in public and private institutions, professional firms, design companies, artisan workshops, publishing and advertising companies, exhibition organizations, museums, and galleries. What you will learn Come sono fatte le cose I materiali e le tecniche di costruzione, di assemblaggio e di accoppiamento La storia delle cose e dei loro Maestri Attraverso esperienze di lettura dei progetti e analisi critiche delle opere universalmente riconosciute come icone Gli strumenti dei designer Software per la grafica, la modellazione, il rendering, la stampa 3D, ma anche le matite colorate e i Pantone Le Teorie del progetto Spirale progettuale, Design Thinking, User Centred Design e altri ancora I fondamenti dell'ergonomia La base scientifica per l'usabilità degli oggetti Come si imposta un progetto Si parte dal concept, seguono i bozzetti, poi il progetto preliminare e quello esecutivo I designer di prodotto Lavoreranno su packaging, prodotti per l'utenza allargata, interfacce robot, mobility design e... molto altro ancora I designer della comunicazione Lavoreranno su siti web, pubblicità, comunicazione sociale, app e... molto altro ancora tutti i designer Lavoreranno per il prodotto sostenibile, sul ciclo vita e sul riuso Did you know that. Potrai partecipare a eventi e manifestazioni da protagonista Il corso di laurea in Design del prodotto e della comunicazione ti permette di partecipare alla selezione per il percorso a doppio titolo con la Beijing University of Chemical Technology Incontrerai ospiti accademici e dell'industria Il lavoro di gruppo è favorito e incoraggiato Ti eserciterai su progetti di partner industriali che collaborano con l'Università Farai esperienza professionale diretta con stage e tirocini Contents The Craft of the Designer It is a job prepared by a training that mixes technical, humanistic and artistic skills. We are a group of innovators who are transforming the world, bringing new ideas and new approaches. Maybe you don't know that our job includes: interaction designer car designer fashion designer art director game designer social innovation designer exhibit designer light designer interior designer With our three-year degree course, you will have the foundations to complete your master's studies and embark on these professions. Course structure The course comprises 180 CFU over 3 years, divided into monographic courses and thematic and design workshops. In the training project there are: basic science subjects design subjects historical-humanistic subjects Coordinator Image Welcome to the Degree Course in Product and Communication Design! You can become a key player in Industry 4.0, the new frontiers of communication, and Italian Design. Students, faculty, tutors and all staff are strongly committed to orienting the 'design culture' towards sustainability, reuse and respect for the environment. Silvia Pericu Where we are Polytechnic School - Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Stradone Sant'Agostino 37 16123 Genova +39 010 2095660 Read more Sportello Unico Studenti Politecnica . Stradone S. Agostino 37, Committees-and-referents