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Double degree

This degree program participates in a dual degree program with the Bachelor Degree Program in Industrial Design from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, BUCT, in Beijing.

During the second year of the program, students will be selected to participate in the dual degree program: if you are chosen you will be able to take the first semester of your third year in Beijing according to an agreed upon program of study, which includes:

  • mandatory subjects
  • choice teachings related to Chinese culture and related to the specificity of the course in Industrial Design at BUCT
  • credits for other educational activities

In addition to student exchange mobility, the program includes the mobility of some Italian faculty members from UniGe who are called as visiting professors to teach at the BUCT in Beijing.

You will then have the opportunity to attend lectures by BUCT faculty and visiting professors UniGe.
Once you have passed the examinations and submitted your thesis paper, the program allows you to obtain a double bachelor's degree with UniGe and the Beijing BUCT.

To write the thesis paper, you will have dual mentoring from faculty from both universities.

Instructions for use.

What is it?

The only dual-degree bachelor's degree program offered by UniGe.


  • Enrollment in the second year of the curriculum in Product and Communication Design
  • Credit weighted average above 24/30
  • English language proficiency certificate of B2 level acquired not more than 2 years 
  • .
  • Acquisition of at least 50 CFUs for compulsory teachings
  • Being in good standing with the payment of Unige tuition fees

How long

The first semester of the third year of study: roughly from the beginning of September to the end of January. 

How to participate

To take part in the selection, which will be held in March on the Teams platform, you must follow the instructions given in the Selection Notice, which will be published on the DAD website during the second year of your studies, and send the following documents by e-mail to, by the deadline indicated on the notice:

  • filled and signed application form, which will be posted on the DAD website during the second year of studies
  • certification of exams, downloaded from the Online services for students and graduates
  • portal
  • certification of proficiency in English at level B2 (or substitute declaration in which the candidate undertakes to achieve it by 30 June 2025 at the latest, under penalty of exclusion from the double degree)
  • .
  • curriculum vitae in European format
  • copy of the first page of a valid identity document, preferably a passport
  • .

If you meet the requirements, you will have to undergo an interview with a committee where you will present your CV and your motivation for participating in the dual-title programme.

Following the interview, you may be "admitted", "not admitted" or "admitted with reservations".

N.B. The committee will assess candidates on the basis of personal motivation, language skills and academic record.

Read more

Read the short BUCT information guide

You can also join the Teams group "Double BUCT - info and materials" via the code a2vekah to get more information about the programme details. 


For further information, please contact:
