What are OFAs Additional Educational Obligations (OFAs) are additional activities to make up for any gaps revealed in the access test.
If you did not score at least 3 points on the Math and Physics questions in the placement test, you can still enroll, but you will be assigned OFAs to be taken in your first year. How to make up the OFA in Mathematics To clear the OFA in Mathematics, you have two options: pass the TE.S.E.O. test (Test of Satisfaction of Possible OFAs) at the end of the self-training course on aulaweb PER.S.E.O. (PERcorso di Supporto per Eventuali OFA) or pass the Applied Mathematics exam. If you have a Mathematics OFA and you enrol full-time, only the following priority subjects will be automatically loaded into your study plan: Applied Mathematics, code 106755, Basic Design Laboratory, code 84620 and Drawing Laboratory, code 84623. Once the Mathematics OFA has been completed, the remaining 1st year courses will be uploaded. Further information on this page. The OFA in Mathematics must be discharged within the first year of the course.The OFA must be discharged within the first year of the course. If you do not absolve the OFA by the deadline for submission of the second-year curriculum, you will have to register as a repeat student.