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What are OFAs

Additional Educational Obligations (OFAs) are additional activities to make up for any gaps revealed in the access test.


If you did not score at least 3 points on the Math and Physics questions in the placement test, you can still enroll, but you will be assigned OFAs to be taken in your first year.

How to make up the OFA in Mathematics

To fulfill the OFA in Mathematics, you can either:
pass a make-up test or
pass the Applied Mathematics exam


The make-up test is passed if you achieve a score greater than or equal to 15.
The OFA make-up test will be held in November and December 2023.

Each test consists of ten multiple choice questions, with the following scores:
- Right answer: +3
- Wrong answer: -1
- Missing answer: 0

You will find more information about the content and dates of the make-up tests on Aulaweb of the Applied Mathematics course (Prof. De Vito and Prof. Villa)