What is Internship, or internship, is a period of orientation and training, carried out in a public or private work setting to facilitate your entry into the world of work. Tirocinio curriculare The curricular internship The curricular internship consists of a period of training - of a maximum duration of 12 months, for each course of study cycle - carried out in a company, entity or institution, which allows you to complete and supplement your university course: has an educational purpose, in that it allows you to deepen, verify and extend the learning received during your course of study has an orientation purpose, in that it allows you to enter the world of work, to know internally the business reality and organizational/work dynamics and to assume greater awareness in professional choices does not take the form of an employment relationship must be included in the curriculum
Offers You can find out with which companies, organisations, associations have already signed agreements for curricular traineeships by consulting the list of approved companies on the portal Student Curricular Activities: Internship and Thesis. If you do not find the right apprenticeship offer for you Read how the agreement for the activation of curricular traineeships between companies and the University of Genoa. Use the job guidance services offered by the University.
Come attivare un tirocinio curricolare Leggi la pagina Tirocinio PROFESSIONI SANITARIE per conoscere nel dettaglio la procedura di attivazione del tirocinio per questo corso di studi.
Read more General contacts Internships Section Piazza della Nunziata, 6 (3rd floor) Tel. +39 010 20951846settoretirocini@unige.it Internship office: ufficiotirocinismartino@unige.it
The extracurricular (postgraduate) apprenticeship Did you graduate? Visit the dedicated page for all the information you need on extracurricular traineeships and their activation.