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Final project

What is

To be admitted to the final examination, you must have regularly attended the educational activities and earned the credits required by the regulations.

The final examination involves the discussion, before a special committee, of a paper, on theoretical or applied problems or design development, related to activities you have developed in university laboratories or as part of a company internship.

During the final examination you will have to demonstrate:

  • adequate basic preparation
  • knowledge of the contents characterizing mechanical engineering
  • systematic and argumentative skills
  • ability to use sources and bibliography correctly
  • clarity in exposition


The speakers must include at least one faculty member from the Polytechnic School and/or the relevant department.

You will also be able to write your paper in English. If you would like to write it in another EU language you will have to ask for permission.

In these cases, you will have to write title and an abstract in Italian.

What to do to graduate

If you are an undergraduate, you must:

  1. Deposit the title of your thesis
  2. Choose the degree session
  3. .
  4. Fill out the AlmaLaurea questionnaire online
  5. Fill out the degree application online
  6. .
  7. In case you have books on loan, return them to the library
  8. .
  9. Fill out the assessment questionnaire for your degree.
  10. .


  1. Check that you are current on your tax payments
  2. .
  3. Pay the stamp duty of € 16 for the issuance of the degree certificate (payable via the online services - payment of fees and contributions)
  4. .
  5. Check that you have taken all the exams and educational activities
  6. Check that they are all marked on your online career no later than 15 days before the date of your graduation session


The final grade results from the sum of three elements:

  • curricular average
  • evaluation of the student's career
  • evaluation of the final test

In particular:

  • the curricular average (expressed in hundredths) consists of the CFU-weighted average of the grades reported for the educational activities included in the study plan that provide for a final grade and is forwarded to the committee by the student secretariats along with the career
  • for the career assessment the committee may award up to 2 points, with a maximum of 1 point if you have a grade point average above 100/110 (and if you take the graduation exam by March 31 of the third academic year) and the award of 0.5 points for each honors achieved
  • for the final examination the maximum score is 6 points, awarded as follows:
    • from 0 to 4 points for the quality of the paper
    • from 0 to 2 points for the ability to present and discuss the paper, answering the committee's questions

The final grade is derived from a single rounding of the score for:

  • default, when decimals are less than or equal to 5
  • excess, when decimals are greater than 5

The committee, by unanimous consent, may award honors if you achieve (or exceed) a score of 112/110. As a rule, there is no provision for the awarding of dignity for bachelor's theses.