Course Council Coordinator He is responsible for:fulfilling the functions assigned to him/her by the University Statute and the University Teaching Regulations, among which he/she is the chairperson of the Coordinating Committee of the Course Councilcoordinating the QA Committee of the CCSconvoking the CCSapproving the SUA-CdS, SMA and RCRscommunicating to the CCS the result of the activities carried out by the committees and the various activity leaders. Contact Silvia Marelli - The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep management processes under control. It is in charge of:compiling and updating the Single Annual Report Card (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)editing the Cyclic Review Report (RCR) and monitoring the progress of proposed improvement activitiesanalyzing teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, reports of the School Joint Committee. Steering Committee It is responsible for:expressing the needs from society and the world of work and cultureproviding an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for training. Committee members Company contacts:Federico Bonzani - Project scheduling manager (Ansaldo Energia)Federico.Bonzani@ansaldoenergia.comGianluca Calzetta - Treasurer and member of the Board of Engineers of Genoa - gianluigi.calzetta@gmail.comVittorio Carboni - Quality director (Hypertach Italy) Vittorio.Carboni@smithsconnectors.comRocco Cavaliere - Technical office manager at Fincantieri - Rocco.Cavaliere@fincantieri.itEdoardo Garibotti - CEO of Termomeccanica Pompe (for Ass. Industriali La Spezia)Antonio Maglione - Piaggio Aero Technical Director - amaglione@piaggioaerospace.itSimona Pollino - Paul Wurth Human Resources Sector - simona.pollino@paulwurth.comEnrico Rebora - Factory Engineering Manager (Ansaldo Energia) - enrico.rebora@ansaldoenergia.comFranco Tortarolo - Head of Research (AVIO Aero) - Franco.Tortarolo@avioaero.itGiuseppe Zampini - President Confindustria Liguria - giuseppe.zampini@ansaldoenergia.comRoberto Zanardi - Secretary Council of the Order of Engineers of GE - zanardi.r@libero.itLecturers:Pietro Giribone - (CdS Coordinator Mechanical Engineering - Genoa)Giovanni Battista Rossi - (CdS Coordinator Mechanical Engineering - Design and Production)Marina Ubaldi - (CdS Coordinator Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Aeronautics) Responsible for internships, traineeships and job orientation It is in charge of:promoting, collecting and managing, proposals for internship/internship activitiesorganizing the collection of questionnaires and opinions of the institutions at which internships and internships have been conductedorganizing activities to promote orientation to the world of work Responsible Pietro Giribone - Responsible for study guidance and mentoring She is in charge of:organizing orientation activities with schools and school/work alternationorganizing activities to promote the CoS to the outside worldcoordinating the activities of reception tutoring and educational tutoring Managers Luca Bruzzone (La Spezia Campus CCS Coordinator) - luca.bruzzone@unige.itAlessia Rosi (La Spezia University Campus Teaching Office) - Website manager It is responsible for:updating and verifying the information on the study course websitechecking that transparency requirements are met Managers Luca Bruzzone - luca.bruzzone@unige.itSilvia Marelli - silvia.marelli@unige.itFederico Scarpa - fscarpa@ditec.unige.itMatteo Verotti - Responsible for coordinating class schedule and exams It is responsible for:managing class schedules so as to avoid overlapping optimize the distribution of exam dates Responsible for international activities She is in charge of:coordinating students in the Erasmus+ program or other international programspromoting the internationalization of the LSC through outward promotional activities and faculty mobility Contact person Giovanni Berselli - Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) Francesco Crenna - (Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering