Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L-9 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Access Free access Locations GENOVA Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme PAOLA GUALENI Department DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA NAVALE, ELETTRICA, ELETTRONICA E DELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Previous years Info
The course in brief Presentation The Bachelor of Science in Naval Engineering was the first, in chronological order, among the engineering courses of study at the University of Genoa, drawing its origins from the Regia Scuola Superiore Navale, founded in 1870. The teaching subjects offered are included in five macro-topics: basic subjects, industrial and civil engineering, naval architecture, naval construction, and naval installations. Learning by doing Instructional workshops in naval drawing and naval architecture are provided. An in-company internship, lasting 1 month, is organized for all students. The final examination consists of a mini-ship project to be carried out in a group. Professional outlets The course aims to train the professional figure of the Naval Engineer and represents the first level of an educational pathway that continues with the Master's Degree in Naval Engineering. Employment outlets in the shipbuilding industry. What you will learn Disegno Tecnico Navale Rappresentazioni tecniche e di disegno nel settore dell'Ingegneria Navale Geometria dei Galleggianti Caratteristiche della geometria dello scafo e dell'elica della nave Meccanica Razionale Studio meccanico del corpo rigido applicato all'Ingegneria Navale Fisica Tecnica Utilizzo pratico di gas e vapori e studio della conduzione termica Elettrotecnica Studio delle macchine e dei sistemi elettrici per l'energia Scienza delle Costruzioni e Idrodinamica Progetto e verifica di semplici impianti idraulici Statica della Nave Equilibrio e stabilità di un corpo galleggiante Costruzioni Navali 1 Metodi e linguaggi descrittivi dello scafo, elementi globali e particolari della sua struttura Macchine Funzionamento delle macchine motrici ed operatrici a bordo delle navi Impianti Navali Basi per la progettazione e gestione degli impianti navali Architettura Navale Principi di base relativi alla resistenza al moto delle carene e alla loro propulsione Did you know that. Il corso di laurea in Ingegneria navale è il primo a nascere tra tutti i corsi ingegneristici dell'Università di Genova Il settore navale è stato da sempre oggetto di particolare attenzione a Genova e in Liguria nella scia di una tradizione importante e peculiare, riscontrando un forte impegno formativo e di ricerca nell'ambito della Facoltà di Ingegneria, oggi riconosciuta come Scuola Politecnica dell'Università di Genova. Il numero di studenti immatricolati nel Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Navale di Genova è mediamente 90-100 negli ultimi anni accademici, inoltre il numero di studenti provenienti da fuori regione costituisce una percentuale elevata e significativa (50% e oltre) Contents The course aims to train the professional figure of the Naval Engineer, ensuring that students have an adequate mastery of basic scientific, mathematical, physical and chemical methods and content, as well as specific professional knowledge in the fields of naval architecture, shipbuilding and naval installations. The course of study fosters the aptitude for working in coordinated teams and developing critical skills for solving technical problems required of a modern Naval Engineer; the student learns to assume roles of technical and organizational responsibility as well as constantly updated operational skills. To this end, the course includes internship activities in companies operating in the maritime sector and a moment of synthesis through exercises for the final exam, which, in addition to allowing the application of all the knowledge acquired, also includes activities carried out collaboratively within groups of students. The training is therefore geared toward the creation of professional figures who possess a basic technical culture in the field of naval engineering, on which to build any subsequent possibilities for development and immediate recognition in the world of work. Coordinator Thank you for your interest in Naval Engineering. On behalf of all the university staff committed to making this Degree Course increasingly up-to-date and internationally qualified, I would like to welcome you and hope to include you among our future students and colleagues. The Degree Course will help you acquire the skills in the naval industry necessary for a professional who intends to operate globally in the maritime industry. Paola Gualeni Where we are Instructional Seat of the Bachelor of Science in Naval Engineering DITEN Department Via Montallegro 1, Villa Cambiaso 16145 Genoa Administrative Headquarters of the Bachelor of Science in Naval Engineering DITEN Department Via Opera Pia 11A 16145 Genoa Website: Read more Student Desk Polytechnic School. Via Montallegro, 1/3 - 16145 Genova Tel. 010 335 2148 Fax 010 335 Reference for teaching. Paola Bergantin Via Montallegro 1 - 16145 Genova Tel. +39 010 33 52429 /