The contents of this page are under revision, please check it often.If you are an international student you can refer to the Student Reception Section for International Students (SASS) for detailed and up-to-date information about fees, taxes and scholarships.
The University of Genoa applies partial or total exemptions from payment of the University Fee, subject to verification of eligibility requirements. These benefits are listed and detailed below and are provided for in articles 8 and 9 of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations. Aliseo Scholarship Winners Total exemption from university fees and regional taxes - Aliseo grant winners If you have applied for the scholarship awarded by the Ligurian Agency for Students and Orientation (ALISEO) and have been successful, you are entitled to full exemption from payment of the university fee and the regional tax.. You only have to pay the stamp duty of 16 euros relating to your registration for the current academic year (check the expiry date). In order to pay the first instalment (enrolment for a new academic year), in order to pay only the stamp duty, you must access the Study grant of the Regional Agency for the Right to University Studies service in the Online Services and enter the "protocol number" identifying your request, which can be found on the receipt of the application for the study grant, following the instructions on the dedicated page.. PLEASE NOTE: In case of renouncement of the scholarship or revocation by ALISEO, you will be required to integrate the student contribution (regional tax and university fee). Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter b), and paragraph 2 of the Regulation on student contribution and university benefits. Exemptions for students with disabilities and/or disabilities Total exemption . Total exemption from payment of the 2nd and third instalments of fees (university contribution) and regional tax for students with a disability equal to or greater than 66%. Total exemption from payment of the 2nd and 3rd instalments of fees (university contribution) for students with disabilities, with recognition of disability pursuant to art. 3, Law 104/1992.. Partial exemption from payment of the 3rd instalment of fees (university contribution) for students with a disability ranging from 50% to 65%. For the graduation of the regional fee and/or university contribution, you are required to self-certify your ISEE-U data on the page The exemption is applied for the current academic year if the documentation certifying the disability and/or invalidity is produced by the deadline for enrolment in the chosen course of study (deadline for payment of the 1st instalment) or, if produced after that deadline, but in any case by the deadline for payment of the 3rd instalment, provided that the date on which the recognition takes effect is prior to the aforementioned enrolment deadline. Otherwise, the exemption will be applied from the following academic year.. Documents certifying disability and/or invalidity status must be uploaded on the online services Select "WEB-students" > enter your credentials > Forms > Disability Invalidity DSA > Enter your certifications.. The University will automatically apply the benefit also for the academic years following the year in which the certification was obtained, unless the recognition has an expiry date, as it is subject to review. It will be the student's responsibility to re-submit to the University the documentation certifying continued entitlement, which will be accepted in the same way as in the previous paragraph. . Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter c), and art. 9 of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations. Total exemptions Students granted refugee status For the application of the following exemptions, the student's previous contribution position must be in order. The use of total exemptions excludes the application, for the same academic year, of any other form of incentive or award/scholarship granted by the University. Total exemption from payment of the second and third instalments of the student contribution if: Students who have been granted refugee status (political asylum or international protection) in accordance with the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951, ratified by law no. 722 of 24 July 1954. The request for such an exemption must be sent each academic year to the email must include personal details (surname, first name, etc.) and the student's matriculation number, and the document certifying the status of political asylum or international protection (e.g. residence permit) must be attached. N.B. Please pay attention to the validity of the residence permit: if the document has expired, a new submission will be required with the updated document attached. Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter f), of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations. Students who have obtained the Italian Government scholarship for foreign students Students who have obtained Italian Government scholarships for foreign students under development cooperation programmes and intergovernmental cultural and scientific agreements. The request for such an exemption must be sent each academic year to the email must include personal details (surname, name, etc.) and the student's matriculation number, and an identity document and a document certifying that the student has been awarded the aforementioned grant must be attached. Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter d), of the Regulation on student contributions and university benefits. Students interrupting their studies due to serious illness Students interrupting their studies due to serious illness, limited to the period of the illness. The request for this exemption must be sent each academic year to the email must include personal details (surname, name, etc.) and the student's matriculation number, and an identity document and a document certifying the condition of the infirmity must be attached.. Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter e), of the Regulation on student contributions and university benefits. Female students detained in the Genoa Penitentiary Homes Students detained at the Genoa Penitentiary Homes referred to in the Agreement signed on 6/4/2016 with the Regional Penitentiary Administration Board for Piedmont, Liguria and Valle D'Aosta. The agreement was signed on 6/4/2016 with the Regional Penitentiary Administration Board for Piedmont, Liguria and Valle D'Aosta. Students will have to pay the regional tax, except for any financial contribution from private bodies or institutions. Total exemption will apply for instalments of the university fee due after the date of commencement. Students are also exempt from paying the stamp duty, the costs of which are borne by the University. The exemption is applied from the date of commencement of detention. The exemption is applied ex officio. Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter g), of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations. Students over 65 years of age Students over 65 years of age who intend to enrol for the first time, with full-time enrolment mode, in 1st or 2nd level study courses (old or new system), or to resume their studies with reconnaissance and/or recognition of their previous career, with full-time enrolment, even beyond the normal duration of the course or repeating it. These students are also enrolled in a course of study for the first time, with full-time enrolment mode. The exemption is applied for the first year of enrolment or resumption of studies and may also be confirmed for enrolment years following the first. However, the student remains responsible for paying the first instalment of the student contribution for each year of enrolment. In the event of a request to resume studies, the student will have to pay the "reconnaissance contribution". The waiver is applied from the first year of enrolment. The exemption is applied ex officio in the case of new enrolment, while it must be requested by email to in the case of reconnaissance. Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter h), of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations. Students who have lost their jobs as a result of collective or individual dismissal Students who have lost their jobs as a result of collective or individual dismissal for justified objective reasons (economic reasons) or who have received notice of dismissal (collective dismissal or individual dismissal for justified objective reasons) and who fall, at the time of enrolment in one of the University's study courses, within the notion of unemployed persons pursuant to art. The request for this exemption must be sent each academic year to the email must include personal details (surname, name, etc.) and the student's matriculation number, and must be accompanied by an identity document, a document certifying unemployed status (C2 history issued by the employment centre), the declaration of immediate availability (DID) and the letter of dismissal with justification. Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter i), of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations. Students who are recipients of an extraordinary wage supplementation or solidarity contract Students who are recipients of extraordinary wage supplementation or solidarity contracts. The request for such an exemption must be sent each academic year to the email must include personal details (surname, name, etc.) and the student's matriculation number, and an identity document and a document certifying that they are in receipt of extraordinary wage supplementation or a solidarity contract must be attached. Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter j), of the Regulation on student contributions and university benefits. Student children of recipients of incapacity pension Student children of recipients of disability pensions The request for this exemption must be sent each academic year to the email must include personal details (surname, name, etc.) and the student's matriculation number, and an identity document and a document certifying that the disability pension has been received must be attached. Art. 8, paragraph 1, letter k of the Regulation on student contributions and university benefits. Student victims of terrorism, organised crime and duty and their survivors Students/Student victims of terrorism, organised crime and duty, as well as their survivors The request for this exemption must be sent each academic year to the email must include personal details (surname, name, etc.) and student registration number, and must be accompanied by an identity document and a document certifying that the student is a victim of terrorism, organised crime and duty, or a survivor. The request must be sent to the following address Partial exemptions Studenti/Studentesse provenienti da paesi in via di sviluppo Gli esoneri parziali sono cumulabili tra loro, fino a concorrenza dell’importo del Contributo Universitario dovuto. A seconda del tipo di esonero possono essere applicati sulla seconda o sulla terza rata, rispettivamente la prima e la seconda quota del Contributivo Universitario. Studenti/Studentesse provenienti da paesi in via di sviluppo Esonero della terza rata della contribuzione studentesca se provieni da uno dei paesi in via di sviluppo, individuati, per l’a.a. 2024/25, dal Decreto Ministeriale 13 febbraio 2024 e se risiedi in Italia con regolare permesso di soggiorno per motivi di studio. L’esonero è applicato d’ufficio. Art. 9, comma 1, del Regolamento contribuzione studentesca e benefici universitari Studenti/Studentesse classificati/e nei primi tre posti di graduatorie riconosciute dall’Ateneo Studenti/Studentesse classificati/e nei primi tre posti di graduatorie riconosciute dall’Ateneo Esonero della terza rata della contribuzione studentesca per studenti classificati nei primi tre posti in graduatorie di concorsi, progetti e competizioni a livello nazionale o internazionale, riconosciuti da UNIGE. La richiesta di tale esonero dovrà pervenire ogni anno accademico a nella mail dovranno essere specificati i dati anagrafici (cognome, nome etc.) e la matricola da studente, e dovrà essere presente in allegato un documento d’identità ed un documento attestante la posizione in graduatoria. Art. 9, comma 1, del Regolamento contribuzione studentesca e benefici universitari Studenti/Studentesse atleti/e di alto livello - programma “UniGe per i Campioni” Studenti/Studentesse atleti/e di alto livello - programma “UniGe per i Campioni” Esonero della terza rata della contribuzione studentesca per studenti che, in quanto atleti di alto livello, rientrano nel programma per la valorizzazione del merito sportivo “UniGE per lo Sport”. Per le modalità di assegnazione dell’esonero si rimanda al bando pubblicato per l’anno accademico 2024/2025 alla seguente pagina informativa , ricordando che la scadenza per parteciparvi è il 31 ottobre 2024. Art. 9, comma 1, del Regolamento contribuzione studentesca e benefici universitari Studenti/Studentesse oltre la durata normale/fuori corso, in debito al 31 marzo della sola prova finale o di laurea Studenti/Studentesse oltre la durata normale/fuori corso, in debito al 31 marzo della sola prova finale o di laurea Esonero del 50% della terza rata della contribuzione studentesca per studenti iscritti oltre la durata normale/fuori corso in debito al 31 marzo dell’anno accademico di iscrizione della sola prova finale o di laurea. L’esonero è applicato d’ufficio. Art. 9, comma 1, del Regolamento contribuzione studentesca e benefici universitari Appartenenza di due o più studenti/studentesse allo stesso nucleo familiare Appartenenza di due o più studenti/studentesse allo stesso nucleo familiare L’esonero del 30% sulla 3^ rata della contribuzione studentesca può essere richiesto dagli studenti appartenenti allo stesso nucleo familiare (si intende la famiglia nucleare: coniugi, genitori, figli, soggetti uniti da unione civile o convivenza ex l. 76/2016), iscritti, entro la durata normale del corso, nello stesso anno accademico, a corsi di laurea, laurea specialistica/magistrale a ciclo unico, laurea specialistica/magistrale dell’Ateneo genovese. L’appartenenza allo stesso nucleo familiare è accertata tramite attestazione ISEE per l’Università (ISEE-U) o con ISEE-U-Parificato. N.B. Non è ammessa diversa documentazione di natura fiscale. L’esonero è assegnato previa apposita richiesta da presentare, per ogni anno accademico, da parte di tutti gli studenti interessati, entro i termini prescritti, compilando singolarmente il “modulo di autocertificazione online” disponibile alla pagina web dedicata. Per l’anno accademico 2024/2025 il servizio di richiesta sopracitato è attivo dal 1° ottobre 2024 al 20 aprile 2025. L'esonero è assegnato previa verifica da parte dell'amministrazione: della regolare iscrizione entro la durata del corso, per l’anno accademico di riferimento, da parte di tutti i richiedenti. Nel caso questo requisito non sia posseduto da tutti gli studenti del nucleo familiare, l’esonero sarà applicato solo agli studenti in possesso del requisito stesso; dell'appartenenza allo stesso nucleo familiare, accertata tramite attestazione ISEE-U. N.B. La rinuncia agli studi per l’anno accademico corrente comporta la perdita del diritto alla fruizione del beneficio, fatto salvo il caso in cui risultino comunque ancora iscritti almeno due studenti appartenenti allo stesso nucleo familiare. Altresì la rinuncia da parte di un componente del nucleo familiare effettuata dopo il regolare versamento di tutte le rate della contribuzione studentesca per l’anno accademico corrente non comporterà la perdita del beneficio per lo studente ancora iscritto. Art. 9, comma 1, del Regolamento contribuzione studentesca e benefici universitari Studenti/Studentesse Caregiver Studenti/Studentesse Caregiver L’esonero del 30% sulla 3^ rata della contribuzione studentesca può essere richiesto dagli studenti in possesso di requisiti di reddito che rivestono la figura di CAREGIVER FAMILIARE E/O CAREGIVER NATURALE. Consulta le modalità di fruizione (in fase di aggiornamento). Art. 9, comma 1, del Regolamento contribuzione studentesca e benefici universitari Studenti/Studentesse dipendenti della Pubblica Amministrazione (Progetto PA 110 e Lode) Studenti/Studentesse dipendenti della Pubblica Amministrazione (Progetto PA 110 e Lode) Versano il contributo universitario (2^ e 3^ rata) ridotto di una percentuale pari al 30% con una riduzione minima garantita pari a € 330, qualora il calcolo percentuale risulti di importo inferiore, previa verifica di requisiti di merito gli studenti in possesso di requisiti di reddito e merito in servizio nella Pubblica Amministrazione. Consulta le modalità di fruizione (in fase di aggiornamento).
Regulation Student contribution regulation and university benefits Read more Go to the page university fees and benefits Contact Student Contribution and Benefits Department Piazza della Nunziata 6, 16124 Genova call centre (+39) 010 2095947 active on Mondays and Fridays from 9.00 to Attachments Document Modalità di contatto e prenotazione appuntamento del Settore contribuzione studentesca e benefici English version:Mode of contact and appointment booking for the Student Contributions and Benefits Department