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Final project

What is

In order to be admitted to the degree examination, you must have obtained all the credits stipulated in the education system of your degree programme.


Graduation session

You must prepare two copies of the thesis, bound with red covers and with the title page signed by you and the supervisor:

  • one to be handed in to the thesis advisor a few days before the session
  • .
  • one as personal copy
  • .

You will have to discuss the contents of your thesis, summarised in a series of slides, in a maximum of 10 minutes.

The graduation commissions will be made public on the dedicated page and on the school website.

The degree examination consists of the discussion of a written paper on a topic agreed upon with your chosen lecturer.

To be admitted to the degree examination, you must:

  1. get the subject approval form signed by the supervisor
  2. .
  3. submit the form to the student secretariat
  4. .
  5. take all the courses indicated in your study plan
  6. .
  7. have completed all the required CFUs
  8. passed the foreign language proficiency tests
  9. .
  10. passed the computer science tests

You will only be able to request thesis assignment once you have completed your 2nd year exams.

You will have to propose the topic of your interest to the lecturer, discussing its content and working methods. The topic may be:

  • basic (anatomy, physiology, etc)
  • clinical (orthopaedics, rehabilitation, neurology, etc)
  • technical (team sports, individual sports, etc)
  • hybrid (clinical-motor, psychological-motor, etc.)

During the graduation session, you will be able to use slides to better explain your paper and, at the end of the paper, the committee may ask you some questions to conclude the discussion.

What to do to graduate

If you are an undergraduate, you must:

  1. Choose the degree session
  2. Enter the title of your thesis
  3. Fill out the degree application online
  4. Fill out the questionnaire AlmaLaurea online
  5. In case you have books on loan, return them to the library
  6. Fill out the questionnaire to evaluate your study course


  1. Check that you are current on your tax payments
  2. Pay the stamp tax of € 16 for the issuance of the degree diploma (pay here)
  3. Check that you have taken all your exams and training activities
  4. Check that they are all marked on your online career no later than 15 days before the date of your graduation session

You can find the complete information for graduating at the following link:

Remember that:

  • you can modify your application until your final confirmation
  • .
  • the confirmed application cannot be changed
  • .
  • the title of the thesis stated on the application upon confirmation must be the definitive one. Before confirmation, we recommend that you print out a draft of the application and show it to your supervisor
  • .
  • at the time of confirmation, your supervisor and the Single Desk of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences will be notified that the application has been completed
  • .
  • your confirmed degree application must be approved by your supervisor by the closing date of the compilation period of the session you have chosen. If your supervisor is not in possession of your UniGePass password, he/she can request it by following the instructions

Do you encounter any problems filling out your application or getting it approved?

Write an email to the Sportello Unico della Scuola di Scienze Mediche e Farmaceutiche before the completion period expires and ask your supervisor to send you an email authorising you to process the application. Once it has been received, the One Stop Shop will take care of the final approval of the application and the system will send an automatic confirmation email to you and to the speaker and/or coordinator of your Course.

Changing Degree Session

You have submitted your application but no longer wish to attend the session for which you have registered?

For information and assistance, please email the Single Point of Contact of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Technical Directions.

Online thesis uploading

You must then upload to the Web Studenti portal the pdf file of your thesis and the Italian and English versions of the abstract. Subsequently, your thesis advisor will have to approve the online documentation in the same way as he or she approved your application.

If you need help, write an email to the help service.

Copies of the thesis

You must printtwo copies of your thesis. One stays with you and the other you must give to your supervisor a few days before the graduation session.

The cover page must be red and you have no constraints on structure or fonts.

N.B.If your session is held remotely, delivery to the speaker is not required.


For the awarding of points for the final paper, the following is added:

  • your curriculum final grade (prepared by the central organs of UniGe)
  • 2 additional points if you graduated in progress
  • up to 7 points for the final paper

The final test is passed if you obtained a grade of not less than 66 points out of 110.

Honor may be awarded by unanimous opinion of the committee if you have achieved a final score greater than or equal to 110/ 110.

Withdrawal of parchments

The collection of Degree, Master's, Doctorate and Postgraduate Parchments for all schools takes place by appointment at the 'UniGe World' premises at Via Balbi 40-42 r - ground floor (opposite Via Balbi 5).

Info, timetable and booking on the page Diploma collection