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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-68
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme LAURA BONZANO
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The course is designed to meet the needs of three-year graduates interested in pursuing their professional activities in the specifically sports field. It is characterized by a multidisciplinary training course that covers the most relevant topics in sports such as analysis of athletic gesture, biological, biomechanical, medical and psycho-sociological aspects of sports performance, and organization and management in sports.

Learning by doing

The course includes a wide range of practical-application activities in the field and in the laboratory, coordinated by experts in the field and elite athletes, carried out in university settings and through internships at qualified sports clubs and centers.

Professional profile

For the exercise of the professional activity of sports kinesiologist, a Master's degree in Sports Science and Techniques (class LM-68) is required.

The exercise of the professional activity of sports kinesiologist is aimed at: 

  • the planning, coordination and technical direction of athletic preparation activities in the competitive sphere, up to the highest levels of competition, at sports associations and clubs, sports promotion bodies, institutions and specialised centres;
  • personalised physical and technical preparation aimed at individual and team competitiveness
  • .

Employment opportunities

The activity of the sports kinesiologist can also be performed outdoors, structured in trails and parks. Limited to activities performed at 'health gyms', where established, for the provision of programmes of adapted physical activity and structured exercise, the sports kinesiologist collaborates with physicians specialising in sports and exercise medicine, physical and rehabilitation medicine and nutritional science, and health professionals such as physiotherapists and dieticians.

What you will learn

fisiologia dello sport

il ruolo del sistema neuromuscolare nell'ottimizzazione della prestazione sportiva

biomeccanica del gesto sportivo

biomeccanica del movimento articolare finalizzato al gesto atletico semplice e/o complesso

tecniche di analisi nello sport

valutazione della performance motoria per migliorare la prestazione sportiva

organizzazione e management dello sport

lo sport scolastico e il sistema gestionale degli eventi sportivi

scienze e tecniche degli sport natatori

programmazione, organizzazione e controllo degli allenamenti in acque libere e pallanuoto

responsabilità professionale nello sport

gli istituti giuridici nell'organizzazione e nell'esercizio dell'attività sportiva

scienze e tecniche degli sport di squadra

conoscere le componenti tecniche tattiche e fisico motorie proprie delle discipline, es calcio

traumatologia dello sport

conoscenza appropriata al profilo professionale delle patologie traumatiche da sport

la farmacologia nella medicina dello sport

patologie cardiache, respiratorie, allergiche nelle attività motorie e trattamento con farmaci

Did you know that.

La maggior parte dei nostri studenti trova occasioni di lavoro nel settore dello sport già durante gli studi

Sempre più laureati in Scienze Motorie provenienti da altri Atenei si iscrive a questo corso

Se sei un atleta a livello agonistico e sarai selezionato dal Programma Unige per i Campioni sarai aiutato a conciliare al meglio gli impegni sportivi con quelli universitari


General objectives

During the course the following are acquired:

  • knowledge related to optimizing the physiological and technical performance of the athlete
  • knowledge and skills aimed at achieving the best competitive performance through advanced training techniques
  • knowledge about organizing, coordinating, leading, and managing sporting events.

The objectives are achieved by

  • seminar-style lectures and meetings with industry experts and elite athletes
  • case studies
  • theoretical and practical field demonstrations and exercises using advanced performance analysis tools
  • compilation of individual literature reviews and writing of original papers on the disciplines and techniques studied
  • stage at qualified sports clubs and centers for different sports disciplines
  • realization of an experimental thesis on a topic related to the curriculum of studies.


I want to offer students from our Bachelor of Science in Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences or from other universities a solid guide that will accompany them on a specialized course of study in preparation for concrete professional outlets.

Laura Bonzano

Where we are

Department of Experimental Medicine
Via Leon Battista Alberti 2
16132 Genoa

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Motor Sciences Secretariat - DIMES, Genoa

+39 010 3538226

+39 010 353 8248

Single Point of Contact for the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences